The Jist of this Story

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So this year, I will be going in to my sophomore year of high school. *does danisnotonfire sarcastic, unemotional 'yay'* Sophomore year is when you turn 16, get your permit, make fun of all of the freshmen ect. but you also get more work..harder classes and you can only hope there won't be pointless and stupid drama so I thought, "Hey, why not make a day-to-day diary about each miserable day of my school year?" and I literally spent over an hour working on this damn cover so there's no going back now. :P

I hope you enjoy my rants about my teenage girl life; boys, friends, teachers, parents, food, boy bands, boys and boys. As much I will want to mention everyone's name, I won't. Each name will be fake and with my shitty memory I'm going to have to make a character chart or something. Oh god, that's too much effort. sdlkfjldakgj K bye.

Tales of a 10th Grade Nothing: A DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now