xx. The Boogy Man

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"Dude... You gotta help me. I'm desperate. She's driving me insane." I sounded like a sixteen year old boy. I expected Riley to laugh at me, I know I laughed at him when he was in the same situation as me, but he just grumbled.

"Just play nice, Nate. I don't have time for this." Riley was never a major joker but he sounded utterly pissed at this point.

"Woah, little bro. What's wrong?" I was actually kinda concerned at this point.

"I can't speak about it right now, please put Bliss on the phone."

"But- Okay fine." There was no point, if Riley didn't want to talk, Riley wasn't gonna talk.

I called out to Bliss, who had been in the adjoining kitchen making lunch whilst I was on the phone to my brother. She nearly squealed when I handed her the phone, knowing exactly who was going to be on the other line. Spending the last week with Bliss had really solidified just how close those two girls were, to call them 'friends' didn't seem to do it justice.

I watched the beautiful blonde as she spoke vividly to her best friend about the lengths she had gone to to irritate me over the first few days, knowing full well I was listening. I swear, the girl had a knack for disobeying direct orders, which I can tell you is the most infuriating thing when those orders were put in place specifically for her safety.

Rule 1: She was to remain within eyesight of me at all times.
Tuesday morning I woke up to a note saying she "felt like a swim" and had gone to the beach. There are 4 different beaches in this goddamn town and I visited ever single one before finding her.

Rule 2: If she wishes to have any visitors I must be notified prior.
Wednesday night we got back after grocery shopping to a house full of about 80 people, and she just "forgot" to mention any plans of this whatsoever.

Rule 3: If she was out, she had to be home before 7pm when night fell.
Friday night she conveniently got "lost in traffic" for 3 hours until I tracked her down at the movie theatre at 10 o'clock at night.

Every single time I tried to keep her safe, she rebelled. And damn if the girl didn't thrive off my frustration over it.

Bliss told Sabine that she missed her and hung up the phone, I felt bad that they couldn't have longer to talk but we could only use the phone for so long. It's just how the situation was.

I hated seeing her upset, but it never lasted for more than a few seconds until she covered it with that pretty smile of hers.

"Want some lunch? I made chicken pesto," I never understood women but Bliss was even worse. One minute she was a little devil and arguing against everything I said, the next she looked right about the cry and then she was happy as Larry. I just can't keep up.

"Yeah, I'd love some. Thank you."

I suppose that because Bliss' parents were away so often on business, she had learnt to fend for herself. Which came it handy for me because she was a damn good cook.

"So how was Sabbie?" I asked, as we sat at the breakfast bench in the kitchen.

Bliss sighed softly before answering, "She said she was fine but I just can't help but feel something is wrong, you know?"

"Yeah. I felt the same when I spoke to Riley. He was very on edge."

"God, I hope everything is okay. I mean how much longer can this possibly last? Why haven't they caught whoever Chase sent after her yet?" She ran her fingers through her hair and pulled it to the right of her neck.

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