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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in foreverrrrrr I've been so busy with school so yeah love you💕


I woke up in the guest room.

Or should I say "my room" since I'm staying with Devin now.

I sighed as I sat up.

I got myself out of bed and walked downstairs.

Devin wasn't home.


I called him.

{E-Emma D-Devin}

D-hey Em

E-hey Dev, where are you?

D-I went to go pick up your stuff from the Devils house and now I'm picking up some food.

E-oh ok, I just woke up and you weren't here so yeah.

D-I'll be back in about 10 minutes

E-ok, could you pick up some food for Daisy?

D-already done *laughs*

E-oh ok thanks see you soon


E-bye *laughs*

*end of call*

I walked into the kitchen to get some cereal that I noticed Devin had last night when I was hungry.

I poured it in a bowl and then the milk and threw a spoon in the bowl.

I went into the living room and sat on the couch with Daisy and turned on the TV.

I looked at the time on my phone and saw the date.

Wait... Sam and Colby come back tomorrow.


I quickly unlocked my phone and texted them in a group message.


Colbae- Same here, I've missed you guys so much

Sammy- same

E- ugh I missed you guys too

Colbae- see you tomorrow👋🏻

I locked my phone and sat it on the couch beside me and waited for Devin to get home.

*a few minutes later*

As I put my bowl in the dishwasher I heard a car door shut outside.

Devin's back.

I sprinted to the front door.

"Hey there." I said leaning against the door frame.

"Hey, you could help me out here." He said opening the back seat revealing about 3 boxes.

I laughed and went to help him.


We finally got done unpacking the car.

We had put all the groceries away and got all my stuff unpacked.

We plopped down on the couch to take a breath.

"Well, that was exhausting." Devin said.

"Yeah it was." I said.

"Hey guess what." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Sam and colby are coming back tomorrow." I said.

"Oh yay!" Devin said.

"We should go pick the up." I said.

"Didnt they drive to the airport tho?" Devin asked.

"Oh yeah, well we could go meet up with them tomorrow." I said.

"Sounds good." He said.


Hey guys thanks for reading
I'm gonna be uploading a new book today and I'm v excited😋😆

The Kidnapper {Cody Herbinko}Where stories live. Discover now