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"Lie and tell myself I can make it on my own. Making it alone is lonely. Twisting, I'm turning, oh, I'm crashing, I'm burning, so reach out your hand to me. Come down, rescue my heart, I'll drown, without you. Come down and rescue my heart."- Rescue My Heart, by Liz Longley



I hate parties. I mean I wasn't at one right now, but I could hear one. Stupid Taylor Summers. She "conveniently" lives just a block or so away from me, and right now I could hear the bass of the music in my house. It was like 1:30 in the morning, and I was exhausted, but thanks to her, I probably wouldn't get to bed for at least another hour and a half.

I was working on an essay due the following week with a cup of tea in my hand. My parents were gone on some weekend trip again. It really sucked knowing that they'd rather be somewhere else than with me, but I guess I'd gotten used to it.

I was writing about the Salem Witch Trials, when my doorbell rang. I practically jumped out of my own skin. Who the hell would be at my house at 1:37 at night?

Oh God, please don't let it be him. I prayed silently. What if it was Ryan? I pulled out my phone quickly, and sent Hunter a message saying that someone was at my door, and that I'd text him an all clear once I figured out who it was. I walked to the door as quietly as possible. I held my phone in my hand, ready to call the cops if I had too.

When I got close to the door, I peered out the window to see who it was. There was no car parked in front of my house, there wasn't a bike like Blake's either. I looked to the side. It was a guy, but it was someone taller than Ryan and whoever it was had a different hairstyle. I was still being cautious.

Hang on, I know who has that hair... I groaned internally. I hate him. I thought, even though it was a lie.

I walked to the door. Gingerly, I opened it. "James what is it?" I asked making sure there was enough venom in my voice. I couldn't really see him.

"Hey Rosie." He slurred.

Oh great, a drunk James.

"James what do you want." I asked. I couldn't really see him, because I hadn't bothered to turn on the porch light.

"I just came to see you Rosie..." He slurred.

Clearly this wasn't going anywhere, because I didn't really want to see him, so I turned on the porch light, so that I could shoo him away.

But I couldn't. In front of me was James, but right now he was beaten and bloody. There were little cuts on his face, and a big one around his eye, the skin was bruising already. And I hadn't even seen the rest of him yet.

"Oh James." I gasped. Immediately I grabbed his arm gently, and tugged him through my house to the kitchen. He followed me without complaints.

"James, stand here. I'll be right back." I said when we were in the kitchen.

I left James in front of the counter, and I took off to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit. When I got back to the kitchen I immediately got a wet rag.

"Rosie." James slurred.

"Yes, James?"

"Rosie, you're taking care of me."

"I know that James." I walked over to him.

I had a warm wet washcloth in my hand. I stood in front of him. I gently put the washcloth under his eye, and continued to clean all of the cuts on his face. He winced occasionally. He had a gash on his lip too. I was going to ask what he did to get all of these cuts, but I thought I'd wait.

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