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"All hail the underdogs, all hail the new kids, all hail the outlaws, Spielbergs, and Kubricks. It's our time to make a move, it's our time to make amends. It's our time to break the rules, so let's begin."- "Renegades" by the X Ambassadors



School, the one thing that makes even the happiest guy in the world want to strangle himself, even if it was the very first day. Which is why I was in no rush to get to school. I'm James Knightley, the rules don't always apply to me, and that explains why I arrived at school fifteen minutes in to second period.

The mornings are always boring. By the time I got there, I ended up earning a detention from my second period teacher for arriving late, and "being too stubborn for my own good," whatever that means. After second period, I went to third period. Third period and fourth was just as boring and lame as the rest, but fifth period had one of my girls in it, Andrea. At least I had that to look forward to, I mean sure Andrea was annoying, but the thought of ten minutes of making out and stuff before the bell rang distracted me from her annoying-ness.

And I was right. As soon as I walked in to fifth period Andrea came skipping up to me, and she pretty much threw herself at me. But no complaining here. After about five minutes of vigorous kissing, we were interrupted. "James!" Carter said completely oblivious to the situation.

Even if he is my best friend I really do want to choke him sometimes, especially when he's interrupting the most action I'll get until lunch, even though lunch is next.

"What?" I groaned.

"Have you met the knew girl?" Carter asked with a smirk.

"We have a new girl?" I asked, mildly interested. I didn't really care when I had half the population of girls in our year in love with me.

"Yeah," Carter said. "And she's hot."

I heard someone scoff. "No, she's not." I looked over my shoulder, at Andrea, who was filing her nails impatiently. "I had first period with her, and she's not even pretty."

I looked back at Carter who just rolled his eyes at Andrea. "Dude she's something else." He ran a hand through his hair. "I mean she's got all the guys staring at her, and Cal's all fired up about her too, it's hilarious."

"Has he done something stupid yet?" I asked mildly interested.

"Well, he tried to ask her out, but she just stared at him, and then started to laugh." Carter chuckled. "He's so butt hurt now, man."

"What's her name?" I laughed along with Carter.

Carter shrugged. "No idea. Saw her in the halls with Cal, she has a cute little friend too."

"Who's her friend?" I asked.

"Some nerdy girl, she's pretty hot though," Carter smirked. "In a nerdy way and all that."

I nodded, but I still wanted to know this girl's name. I looked over at Andrea, who looked annoyed. "Well, what's the new girls name?"

"What difference does it make?" Andrea scowled. She was just being jealous now.

I shook my head, and went back to talking with Carter, who seemed to be thinking about the nerdy friend.

The rest of class I completely ignored Andrea, and it was enjoyable, because she got pissed, and pissing Andrea off is really satisfactory, since she's used to getting whatever she wants.

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