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"We know full well there's just time... So is it wrong to dance this line? If your heart was full of love, could you give it up? Because what about angels, what about angels... They will come, they will go, and make us special. Don't give me up."- Not About Angels, by Birdy


I opened my eyes.

I knew one thing right off the bat, I wasn't in my room, and I wasn't in my own clothes. I laid there with my eyes closed tightly praying that there wasn't some half-naked boy beside me, and later finding out that I lost my virginity at Cal Williams's party. Then I remembered the events of the night before.

Ryan was back. He was here in town somewhere, and he still claimed to love me. He also was still abusive.

I sat up. Immediately I noticed a sharp pain from my stomach. I was also sore. I sat like that for a moment, just on the bed, holding my knees. I scanned the room. It was plain. Light grey walls, with normal furniture. On the foot of the bed were a pair of leggings and a T-shirt. I also noticed the door leading to a bathroom across from the bed.

I got up slowly, wincing in pain, but eventually I hobbled into the bathroom. I had no idea what time it was and I didn't really care, all I knew was that I needed a shower before I faced whatever there was to face today. I turned on the water and searched for a towel while the water was warming up.

I wasn't worrying about Ryan now, which is probably what I should be doing. I don't know what the matter was, maybe the horror hadn't sunken in yet, or maybe I was too distracted by the physical pain, I don't know.

When I was finished showering, I put the clothes that I had found on the foot of the bed. I looked at myself in the mirror. My once perfect hair from last night was now a frizzy bird's nest, and my cheeks had red splotches on them.

I reached up and touched each of them, remembering the night before. Then, I gingerly lifted the hem of the t-shirt I had on. A section of my lower abdomen was a mixture of purples, blues, and greenish colors. I winced at the sight of it.

Then, the expected fear finally kicked in. Ryan really was back, and there was nothing I could do about it. Absolutely nothing. Then the tears came again. I was breaking down. All my efforts to mend myself were gone, all my hope was gone, all unwanted emotions were back again.

I leaned over the sink, feeling the hot tears run down my cheeks.

I don't know how long I stood there, but I heard the door open.

"Rose?" Came a gentle voice.

"I'm in the bathroom." I managed to choke out.

"Can I come in?" I heard a soft rap on the door.

"Yeah." I said softly.

The door opened, and Blake stood there with a concerned look on his face. When his eyes met mine, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"Are you okay?" He asked, but he knew the answer.

I shook my head, as more tears came down my face.

"Come here." He beckoned

I walked across the bathroom to him. When I reached him, he engulfed me in a hug. I sobbed into his chest.

"Blake," I sobbed. "What do I do? It's Ryan, he-he-"

Blake rubbed soothing circles on my back and hushed me. "Shhh... I already know your story."

"Who told you?" I mumbled.

"Sarah and Nate." Blake said. "They told everyone. We're here to help you now," He paused, "To protect you."

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