Platform 9 and 3/4

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Platform 9 and 3/4 was as busy as I remembered it. Students and parents alike were shouting and waving and running through the melee of people crowded around the scarlet steam engine. The atmosphere caused waves of nostalgia to run through my body and I could hardly believe how much time had passed since I myself was a student boarding the train.

Scorpius appeared to be extremely excited. Perhaps even more so than myself. He very much reminded me of the first time I had seen the gleaming train and the mobbed platform. The childish delight on his face was evident and I couldn't help smiling at his glee. Astoria kept sternly telling him not to run off or to keep his mouth shut because it was undignified, but I hadn't the heart to dampen his good mood.

Eventually we reached the less crowded part of the platform and it was time to bid farewell to my son. His smile seemed to falter a little as he stiffly hugged his mother goodbye. As I bent down to give him a hug, I heard the distinct voice of a familiar red-head saying, "that's Scorpius Malfoy, Rosie. You stay away from him."

 My blood started to boil as I shot Weasly a cold glare. He in turn glared back. How dare he tell his daughter who she should avoid based on an old schoolboy grudge. Surely she could make the decision for herself whether or not she wanted to be friends with my son. Weasly's gaze faltered. He turned to his wife and started saying something in hushed tones. I myself turned back to Scorpius and proceeded to give him a hug.

"Promise you'll write every week?", I asked him. 

"Of course, Dad.", was his only reply. 

Slowly, Scorpius started to board the train and soon he disappeared into one of the compartments. Astoria grabbed my arm and asked if we could leave because she 'simply couldn't bare to stand on this filthy platform any longer.' As we turned to leave I spotted another shock of bright red hair further down the platform. On inspection it conspired that it belonged to one of the Potter children. James, I believe his name was.

Quickly freeing myself from Astoria's grasp, I started to stride down the platform towards the boy. As I drew nearer I saw that he was talking to another boy who had such a striking resemblance to Harry that he must have been Albus Severus, the middle Potter child. Standing slightly to the left of the two was Ginevra Potter and a small girl who I took to be Lily. Smiling, I walked up to Ginny and inquired as to whether she was well.

She gave me a cold look and asked me why I was bothering her. I was a little taken aback but then realised that Harry must have just forgotten to mention the fact that we had met about a year ago and had decided to put the past behind us. It was at that moment that I realised Harry was absent from this lovely little family gathering. If he had been on the platform at all I would have noticed, because nothing else seemed to stand out when Harry was in the vicinity. His jet black hair and cocky smile seemed to radiate from his face, creating the impression that he was the most important person you would ever meet, which indeed to some people he was.

I explained hurriedly to Ginevra, that Harry and myself had recently become friends so I thought I would come over and say hello. At this her lips pursed. It reminded me greatly of the time Astoria had discovered that she could not enter my study as I had charmed it to allow entry to only myself, the house elves and Scorpius. I wondered what the reason for her hostility was. Had I not made it clear that I didn't mean any harm to her or her family?

"So... erm, do you know where Harry might be?", I asked her. She gave me a quelling look and then sighed.

"If you're his friend then you should know.", she replied.

"We haven't spoken in months. I tried calling just a couple of weeks ago but nobody picked up. Has Harry decided he doesn't want to see me anymore?"

"No. That's not it." She said quietly.

The train whistle blew and the steam engine started to move away from the platform. The crowd of waving parents started to disperse, past the ticket barrier and back into the muggle world. Soon only Ginny, Lily, myself and a very impatient Astoria remained on the deserted platform. Ginny sighed again.

"Look Malfoy." She said. "The reason Harry hasn't contacted you in months is because he isn't here anymore. He's no longer in this world. Harry's gone to a better place now."

"Wh-wh-what do you mean he's gone to a better place?", I stuttered, dreading the inevitable answer.

"He's dead Malfoy. Harry died four months ago. Fell down the stairs in the dark and broke his neck. If I knew you were friends I would have invited you to the funeral."

And with that, Ginevra Potter turned on her heels and walked off, dragging a sniffling Lily with her. Astoria stopped tapping her foot and came over, trying to get me to move. I wouldn't though. I was physically incapable of moving from the spot I was standing on. She gave one last sigh of exasperation and stormed off, through the ticket barrier.

I was left on the platform, alone with my thoughts.

A/N: Firstly, sorry this is yet another one from Draco's point of view but I just find it easier to write from his perspective. (plus he is also my favourite HP character) 

Secondly, I have 6 reads!!! (Not including myself...) What the actual fuck! I didn't even think I was going to get one read let alone SIX. I was so happy I almost fell off my bed. Quite literally. If I ever make it to a hundred reads- which lets face it is never going to happen- I will probably die.

That's all from me so, until next time, goodbye my fellow awkward peeps. Xx

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