Chapter 20 back at home

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After about another week we got to take Junior home.
Jason seemed nervous about coming home with our son.
We decided to put Junior's crib in our room for now.
We came home around noon,every time Junior cried Jason would start to fidget.
At one point I told him to go for a walk or something.
So after he left I sat in the rocking chair with Junior and read a book to him.
(The cat in the hat)by Dr Suss.
He laughed at the pictures,I thought he was pretty smart for just being born only two weeks ago.

Junior's P.O.V.

Mommy was reading a book to me the cat in the story was silly.
Mommy had daddy leave for a while,I think he was annoying mommy.
I don't unstained why daddy never takes his mask off.
He is not bad to look at,but then again he is my dad.
So people would just say I think that way because of him being my father.
But I don't care I love my mommy and daddy no matter what.
I know it scares them every time I cry,but I can't help it I am a baby after all.

Jason's P.O.V.

Amy told me to please get out of the house for a bit,I was probably annoying her.
I was just making sure every thing was ok,I worry too much about her and our son.
I guess you could say I'm way over protective.
But I am her husband and his dad after all.
Who would have thought I would fall in love,get married and have a kid?!
I haven't even killed anyone since we put up the warning signs.
We even put up some barrier fence thing to keep people out.
It seems to be working so far,haven't seen any new bad people around here lately.
But then again I been with my family the last two weeks.
The problem is with out no bad people to kill I find myself getting bored.
Along with my Boredom  I also annoy Amy.
I can't sit still,I fidget and my mind starts to race.
Killing was what I lived for,but now what?
What do I do now?

When I met Jason.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon