Chapter 25 bad girl?

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I saw my beloved wife cutting herself with a piece of broken glass.
I didn't know what to think or do, did this make her a bad girl?
She had blood every where all over herself.
She was crying none stop too.
I grabbed her up in my arms and grabbed the bloody broken piece of glass out of her hand and chunked it.
I then cleaned her wounds and wrapped a bandage around her arms.
I looked into her eyes and saw the fear in them.
She shied away from me,I gently took hold of her shoulders and made her look at me.
I cocked my head at her asking why she hurt herself?
She lowered her head in shame,and said the voices said I don't deserve to live.
I blinked at her and pulled her closer to me.
I shook my head no and put my hand over her heart.
Then I pointed to myself and made a motion like I was cradling our son.
She started to cry again, I shook my finger at her meaning naughty.
She looked me right in the eyes and said kill me.
I moved away from her and turned my back on her.
I stood there staring at the wall when I felt her grabbing at my machete.
I spun around and pinned her to the wall.
I glared down at her through the eye slits in the mask.
How could she even say or think that,it really made me angry.
I stocked out of the bathroom while slamming the door in the process.

Edward looked at me with a glare.
How could you walk out on her?
She needs you now more then ever.
I showed him the broken piece of glass then pointed at the restroom then at my machete.
So you are going to kill her for something she has no control over at the moment?
I shook my head no,he misunderstood me.
Why in the hell would I kill my wife I love her.
Sure she is a bad girl. now but mother hasn't told me to kill her.
Even if she does tell me to kill her I would gladly disobey her orders.
Yes I am upset at her I'll give her that,but there is something else I could do to punish her.
Because being bad deserves a punishment right?
I was about to go back in there and get her when Edward held up a key.
I cocked my head at him,he explained that it was for the cabinet that holds her meds she needed.
I nodded then went back in the restroom and took her in my arms and carried her out.
After opening the cabinet she took her meds and fell asleep in my arms.

The TV screen came back on and Jigsaw gave his stupid speech.
Well done you won the game, game over.
Then the screen went black.
I carried her to the car and laid her in the backseat.
I climbed into the passage side
Edward sped down the road toward camp crystal lake.

When I met Jason.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant