Chapter 4 The move

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Jason's P.O.V. Edward helped me move Amy's stuff to my house.
While we were at my place I was putting my wife's stuff in my room when I heard a door open then slam shut just as fast.
I walked to where the noise came from and found out he saw my mother's room.
I pointed my machete at him and growled at him.
You are one sick guy Edward said to me,who the hell keeps a disembodied head in a room on a shelf?
I was too annoyed that he went snooping around. I pointed toward the front door and jerked my head.
He took the hint that it was time to go.

Edward's P.O.V.

Jason looked pissed he was mad at me for finding someone's head on a shelf in a dark dusty room and he was mad at me. That guy has some screwed up issues.
I was busy trying to figure him out when I smelled a rabbit and I haven't fed in days. I took off for my kill.

Jason's P.O.V.

I was walking as fast as i could when I saw Edward take off after a rabbit, man can he run.
I looked on after him and was shocked what I saw.
He was drinking the rabbit's blood!

Edward's P.O.V.

I was busy with my kill when I felt someone watching me I turned to see Jason staring at me ..... Oops.

Jason's P.O.V.

I just stood there watching him thinking and you called me screwed up will look who's talking now.
When we got back to Amy's we found them sitting around the kitchen table talking.
I walked up behind my wife and wrapped my arms around her,she looked up and smiled at me.
We got everything moved Edward said that's great Bella replied
I tapped Amy's shoulder and handed her the notebook. She read what I wrote and said yeah you are right hon.
Will I guess we are going to go how bout we hang out tomorrow? Ok that sounds good Bella said they hugged then I picked my wife up and carried her to my, I mean our house.
When We entered our bed room I cleaned off the bed
She helped the best she could, I smiled at her from behind my mask.

Amy's P.O.V.

After I made the bed I climbed in and laid my head down on the pillows, it smelled of Jason.
He took almost everything off expect his boxers and lay beside me.
I nestled into his arms and looked up at him.
He bent down and kissed me, I don't know why I still blush when he kisses me.
I feel asleep in the safety of his arms.

When I woke the next morning i looked to find Jason gone again .
I had to go pee so I got up and was trying to find the bathroom.
I walked into a room thinking it was the bathroom because it was closes to our room but I was wrong.
I put a hand over my mouth to stop a scream from escaping my lips.

The room was dimly lit and had a head of a woman I think, on a pedestal. And candles all over the floor.
I did scream when someone put their arms around me I did one of my taekwondo moves on who ever it was.
I forgotten this was Jason's house,the person just tighten their grip on me. I closed my eyes and started crying I was too scared to move.
The person picked me up and took me somewhere I was not sure because my eyes were closed tight.
I felt someone wipe the tears from my face.

Jason's P.OV,

I found my wife in mother's room when I went to put my arms around her she screamed while trying to throw me off balance.
So I picked her up and took her to our room and when I looked down she was crying.
I started to wipe her tears away wondering why she was crying.
I held her close trying to get her to calm down.
J J J Jason??? She stuttered I nodded my head forgetting her eyes were still closed.
I did the only thing I could think of and kissed her.
It worked she slowly opened her eyes.
"What's wrong?" I ... There I had to go pee.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to... I shook my head no at her and wrote "don't be afraid that was my mother". Oh why do you.... ? I wrote my reply " she is all I had left it brings me comfort having a shrine to her". Oh that's sweet I guess kind of scary but sweet. "I should put a sign on her bedroom door"Yeah that might be a good idea she sniffed.
"Sorry that scared you"It's not your fault I was trying to find the bathroom. "Follow me" I said while holding out my hand to her.
She took it and I led her to the bathroom,she smiled shyly up at me and kissed me on the cheek.
I heard her scream from inside the bathroom, I burst through the door worried.

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