chapter 9 bath time

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Amy's P.O.V.
I don't get why I always wake up to finding Jason gone each time.
I got up and got into the bath,Jason came and sat beside the tub.
Honey why don't you join me?
He nodded then got undressed and got in behind me.
I lay back against him,he wrapped his arms around me bringing me closer to him.
Hon why are you always gone when I wake up?
He grabbed the notebook off the floor"because I have to check the bear traps and make sure no bad people came here"
Hon you don't need to catch anything I can cook stuff for us.
"I use the bear traps to catch bad people "
Um don't you think you should stop killing people?
"Angel it is who I am".
But when our
kid is born.... ,"I'll stop then I promise".
Why can't you stop now?" I cut back on it since I met you."
I have an idea how bout I put up a sign warning people to stay away.
"What makes you think people will listen to the warning?"
I am not sure but we can try.
"K" I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

Jason's P.O.v.

She wants me to stop killing but it's who I am.
I looked down at her, she seemed peaceful.
I gently put my hand on her belly,I thought I felt something move.
I sat there holding her,enjoying the feel of her against me.
I felt the water bubble,she started laughing sorry..,i
I'm good at making hill billy bubble baths.
"Oh that's what that was?"
Yeah she said blushing up at me.
"I thought you fell asleep" I did for a sec but woke myself up with my gas attack.
"Oh" I felt my face go red.
I grabbed the soap and washed her back.
There was an awkward silence between us.

Amy's P.O.V.

Crap I hope I didn't make him feel weird around me, I mean he would have found out sooner or later.
Jas, sorry .... "Bout what hon?"
You know the bubble bath I said while my face went redder than a tomato.
"It's ok hon". Then why  are you so quite?
"Just thinking is all". Bout what?
"I'm worried my own kid will be scared of me".
Honey  he won't be scared of you you're his father.
Yeah um Edward's sister can see the future,and she said it will be a boy.
"Oh ,how can she do that?" It's part of the whole vampire thing.
"Oh I see", I could tell Jason was still confused and worried.
So I turned around so I was facing him and kissed him with all the love I had.

Jason's P.O.V.

I kissed her back,I think she was trying to distract me.
It was working until I heard some people outside.
And I did not recognize their voices.
I slowly started to get up,but Amy stopped me.
Where you going hon,I thought we were having fun?
"We are I just have to see what's going on outside."
It's probably nothing she pouted.
I'll be right back I wrote on the notebook and got dressed.

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