Chapter 35 some years later

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Junior grew up and had the personality of his dad and the spunk of his mom.
It was a sad day in the Voorhees house when Junior announced he was leaving for college.
I mean sure we were proud of him we just didn't want to see him go.
He was our only child after all and we spent so much time together the three of us.
He even took his schooling online so we were around him even then.
But now our little man is all grown up and leaving us.
Don't worry I'll write every chance I get he said while packing his things.
Don't you dare go partying and doing that bad stuff we taught you to avid Jason warned him.
Don't worry Dad Junior laughed you guys worry too much.
Well you better not young man because your father here used to kill people that did that sort of thing.
Ok ok I got the hint,now where is my hug Junior said.
We wrapped him in a big bear hug and kissed him goodbye.

We knew it was going to be lonely after he left.
The Cullen's moved back to Forks Washington, so we were really going to be lonely.
But somehow I think that is how my husband Jason perfected it.

The End

Hope you enjoyed it and as I promised I will make a deleted screens chapter. ;)

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