Chapt 14

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As soon as Miku entered the Kagamine household, the first thing she heard was Rin yell, "Bitch, I will fucking beat your ass if you go to school today! You will stay the fuck home or I swear to the God of pain I will-" Kaito blinked as he entered the kitchen.

The first thing Miku saw when she entered the kitchen was Rin standing in front of a figure that was completely covered in a fleece blanket, like a ghost. She raised her eyebrows. "What's going on here?" She asked. She wasn't really sure if she wanted to know the answer to that question, but she was curious as hell. Rin huffed and crossed her arms.

"My stupid-" The person under the blanket threw the front part up so their face was revealed, confirming Miku's suspicion that it was Len. He glared at Rin. His nose was red and his cheeks were flushed, as though he had a fever.

"I'm not the one failing math!" He snapped. His voice was slightly hoarse and rough, as if he had a sore throat. Rin scoffed and rolled her eyes, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Oi! I'm not the one here that believe in Santa until the age of 13!"

"But I didn't nearly set the house on fire making spaghetti!"

"Hey! That was an accident!"

"Obviously, I don't think you'd set the kitchen on fire on purpose unless you really fucking hated that poor table!"

"It was my first time cooking spaghetti!"

"You don't say!"

Rin opened her mouth to retort, but Kaito beat her to it. "I'm confused." He said, simply. Rin paused and looked at him, then leaned against the counter.

"Stupid Len's sick, but he keeps saying he's not and insists that he's fine and he can go to school!" Len shot her a glare.

"Because I'm not sick!" He protested. "You're just delusional." Rin scoffed.

"That's your defense for everything!" She shot back. "'Oh, you seem tired.' 'You're delusional.' 'Oh, I think you may be sick!' 'You're delusional.' 'I think you're in love with that cute teal-haired girl named Miku.' 'You're delusional.'" Len hissed at the last example.

"Don't make me throw out all the oranges in the house," He growled. "Because believe me, I will." Rin flinched, a look of absolute horror on her face before a terrifying look overtook her face as she glared daggers at Len.

"No fucking way," She snarled. "You wouldn't, not when I'm in the room right next to yours when you're sound asleep..." Len crossed his arms. Miku raised her eyebrows. It was unwise to simply talk about throwing oranges out around Rin- she knew from experience.

"Don't test me." He replied. Rin narrowed her eyes at him.

"...You're still staying home." She told him. He scoffed.

"Oh, come on- what the fuck are you doing?" Len said. Miku was just about done with their bullshit. She didn't want to be late. She walked over to Len, pushed his bangs up, and slapped her hand on his forehead. He was burning up. He slapped her hand away.

"Too hot." She said, simply.

"Hot damn!" Kaito hooted from the back. The three turned to look at the blue-haired male. He shrugged, not seeming bothered by their blank stares. "I saw an opportunity and took it, is that so wrong?" Len snorted and rolled his eye.

"It is when you're quoting a retarded song." He grumbled under his breath.

"What was that, Lenny boy~"

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