Chapt 5

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"W-What are you doing here?" I asked. There was a small flutter of hope in my chest that she came back to see me. To check if I was okay. Her eyes flickered past me and I realized then how pathetic my hopes were.

"Well...I heard that Len was found, so I..." Instantly, my eyes hardened and my hope vanished. I should have known that she only came back to see Len. I gripped the door knob, my other hand curled into a fist, my nails digging into my palm, probably making crescent-like marks. "I'm um...sorry, please forgive me. If I can come in and see him..." I flinched as she just came in.

"W-Who the hell invited you in here?" I snapped as she sat down on the couch next to Miku. Miku shifted uncomfortably. My mother just shot me a cold glare.

"I was the one who bought this house years ago, was I not? I was the one that raised the two of you under this roof. This is technically myhouse, not yours."She retorted. I growled, feeling anger blossom in my chest. This bitch! She thinks that she can just abandon me with only two thousand dollars and come back and expect to be treated with respect? What delusions has she been thinking up?

"But when you abandoned me, it became mine.I was the one taking care of it for two years while you ran away!If you really did favor Len, then why didn't you actually stick around and try to find out! You''re nothing more than a coward! Get the fuck out of my house!" I yelled, venom lacing my voice as I glared at her with hateful eyes. She glared back, standing up.

"Do nottalk to me like that, girl!" She snarled, raising her hand. I stared up at her and felt a small tremor of fear. It wasn't because I was afraid of getting hit. It was because I was afraid that I would let all of my pent up hurt and anger out on her, and I might not be able to stop and go too far. But the familiar sting, accompanied by the sound of flesh hitting flesh, didn't come. I looked up to find Len standing in front of me, his hand firmly gripping my mother's wrist. He was still in the same shirt, so I assumed that he may not have cleaned the wound yet. There was a look of pure and utter shock on her face as Len let go.

"Please refrain from doing any more damage to my sister." He said coldly. My mother gasped.

"L-Len, is that you?" She asked. He nodded curtly, and she cupped his cheek with her hand, tears filling her eyes. He didn't react. "'ve certainly grown since the last time I saw you...what happened to your eye?" She asked, sniffing.

"I'd rather not discuss it," He said. "Why'd you leave Rin all alone?" She stiffened.

"W-Well...y-you" She stammered. Len just stared down at her. "I...needed to blow off some steam. Besides, I couldn't...I couldn't-"

"You couldn't stand being with me?" I said, bitterly. "You did, after all, want to put me up for adoption." She shot me a glare, and I flinched. I really didn't want to feel my mother's wrath.

"I did, and I would have, if it weren't for your father," She spat. I winced, and Len seemed to take another step to the side, further shielding me from our mother.

"Did you really just fucking say that?" She flinched.

"Well, I'm just being...truthful."

"I can't believe you'd ever say that to your child," He replied, disgust creeping into his voice. "A mother's duty is to protect and love her offspring, not say horrible things like that. That makes me wonder if the displays of affection you showered us with when we were younger, was that fake? Was any of it real?"

"Of course it was-"

"So then why did you try and set Rin up for adoption?"

"That...we were running low on money. Keeping another child would be hard, and besides, why would I want another child when I had you?" She said this last bit softly, and I flinched. Was I really that unappealing, even when I was just a baby? Len didn't seem amused by this at all.

"That's hella messed up," Miku piped in, arms crossed. "Did you seriously determine who you like better when they were just infants?" My mother just crossed her arms and sighed.

"We...needed someone who can carry out the Kagamine name." She just said simply, and I felt my blood boil. They liked Len better just because of his gender and ability to keep his last name when married?

"Well fuck you and your fucking stupid-ass reasoning! You think that you can just barge back in here and take control of everything all because Len's back? Well, god damn, you're even more delusional than I thought, you old hag!" I growled, raising my voice. "Get out."

"Excuse me?"

"You deaf?" Len snorted. "Out."


"You heard her," Miku said, finally standing up, a bit of anger in her eyes, "get out." My mother just gawked.

"Excuse me, young lady, but this is my house-"

"Jesus fucking Christ, I thought we went over this shit, like, five minutes ago," Len grumbled. "You abandoned Rin and left this house in her possession, so therefore, it is her house and not yours, so go away. Shoo. Scram." My mother opened her mouth to speak but Miku cut her off immediately.

"Hoe, don't do it," She warned. "We can call the police to take you outta here." My mother turned to glare at Miku.

"I don't remember you ever hanging out with Rin, girl."

"Yeah, that's because I just moved here, so. You gonna leave or what?"

"Fine, you whore," She spat, and Len stiffened. He turned to glare at her.

"Don't speak to her like that," He growled, tensing. My mother tensed up as well, shock evident in her eyes. "Just go, Riliane." Riliane was my mother's name. I was slightly shocked that he called her by her first name, but then again, I did call her an old hag earlier.

"Well." She said, opening the door. "Since I'm not wanted-"

"You don't say!" Len snorted.

"-I'll just be on my way!" She huffed.

"You go do that." Len said. She didn't reply. She slammed the door shut behind her and marched off somewhere. Probably back to hell. Oh well.

"What a bitch," Miku mumbled.

"Yeah," I agreed weakly. "Um, thanks, guys."

"No problem," They said in unison. They both gave each other weird looks, and I felt the corners of my mouth twitch upward. It may have been too early to tell, but I felt like they'd get along somewhat.

"So you haven't checked your wounds yet?" Miku asked Len. He shook his head.

"Nope. All I gotta do is wrap it in gauze or something right?" Miku winced.

"Oh, God. No. You'll get an infection, probably, if not properly cleaned. Does that mean that you're still bleeding? Does it hurt?" Len shrugged.

"Well, yeah, it hurts like a bitch. But I'll live. I don't think I'm bleeding that much right now. Why?"

"Because if it's really bad we'd have to take you to the hospi-"


"But why? Would you rather have an infected stab wound rather than going to the hospital to stabilize it?"

"I just broke outta that place!" He complained. "Besides, I don't think it's that bad. Just gotta pour water on it and it'll be fine." Miku facepalmed.

"No, that's..." She sighed and stood up. "Whatever. You obviously have no idea how to properly clean wounds and stuff like that, so I'll do it for you. C'mon." I watched, slightly amused, as they both shuffled upstairs.

Those two'll get along just fine, I mused.

So, not the best chapter, I know. Not a lot of LenKu either, but don't worry, next chapter will be all about Miku cleaning Len's wounds and...talking...sigh. I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless, comments are greatly appreciated . See you guys soon.

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