Chapter 12-The End of Light (Part 2 Finale)

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           The king turned to the dark soldiers and readied himself. The man on point sheathed his sword and recovered the second blade strapped to his waist. A change of blade will not save you now.

           Trost took a single step and vanished from his place. It took a heart's beat for everyone to realize he had re emerged behind the caped man. Trost swung the blade down in a hammer like motion, looking to pummel his opponent to the ground, but it was blocked. The caped man did not even bother looking as if the move was telegraphed.

           The motions had kept everyone in awe, but Queen Gaiya was not one to be paralyzed in battle as she went to attack the other warrior with a noticeably pointy nose. She sent a quick jab towards him with the spear- an attack that he barely blocked. He side stepped and sent a knife sailing straight for her. The Queen brought her hand up and caught the knife in mid air. The man looked momentarily surprised at the action. Gaiya scoffed.

Rose appeared from behind the Gaiya like a wraith, charging toward the man and sending quick thrusts with her Rapier. He too went on the offensive, retrieving a pair of blades from his side and deflecting her attack.

He smiled as the momentum swung her arms up, and forced her away from him with a powerful kick. Rose staggered a few feet, but Gaiya was right on him with her spear. The man with the pointed nose jumped back, avoiding her swing, but could not move farther than that.

He looked down and noticed his feet were completely covered in ice. Gaiya swung her spear down with all her might. A small shield of ice materialized between them, blocking Gaiya's spear. She looked down and realized it was composed of the same ice she had used to trap him.

            She jumped back. "How were you able to use my own Essentia against me?" She asked bluntly.

The shield dissipated, revealing the warrior behind it, spinning a small throwing knife on his finger. "Is that what you people call It...Essentia?" He asked, throwing two knifes at the Queen, then disappearing.

Gaiya used her spear to deflect the blows but was oblivious to the dagger that was headed straight to her back. At that moment an arrow shot through the air and crashed onto the blade's steel, jerking it free from the man's hand. Rose stood a few yards away from them, reaching for another arrow.

Gaiya whirled around and sent a kick that probably shattered one of his ribs and sent him sailing to the side. Rose released another arrow as the man was airborne, striking the blade off of the man's other hand.

He crashed down, disarmed, but the onslaught didn't stop there as Gaiya jumped and drove the spear down into the man's heart. Crimson blood ran from his body as his face was locked in a blank expression of shock. Gaiya got up, leaving her spear buried in the dead man's chest. "You men are no match for Gaiyan might."

   Nearby, Trost and the cloaked warrior had their blades locked as one tried to push the other.

"Who are you?" Trost asked, trying to push the man's blade off of his.

"Do you really want to know the answer of such a meaningless question?" He answered, pushing Trost's sword off of his, and following up with a few strikes of his own.

   "Does my name really matter?" He asked. "Is what I'm after really important at this moment?"

Ten incredibly fast strikes followed his questions- strikes that the King was barely able to block. "No, none of that should matter to you right now." His voice was cold, and even. He hardly broke a sweat as he swung with precision.

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