There are about a hundred guests attending the ceremony today, and another hundred or so arriving later when we move through to the ballroom for the night reception. 

There's an overspill marquee outside too which will have a roasting hog, Dj and a bar for when the night guests start to tire and need re-fuelling.    I'll play the piano piece I've chosen for them before that, at the champagne reception just before the party starts.  

I feel sick with nerves about the whole thing - but to be honest I've felt sick for days with the stirrings of something sickly and unwelcome. Ive felt sick for weeks actually but I'd been learning to live with that, it had sort of become my new normal. I've chosen the piece well though and practiced it so much that I know that unless I screw it up, it will suit the moment perfectly.  

Rob hadn't once asked what it was or for me to play it for her;  she'd said only that she trusted me to pick something perfect and that she would wait until today to hear it. That way she could enjoy the surprise along with everyone else.

The wedding co-ordinator, Liam, is waiting just outside the door to the large bridal suite, and he takes a long appraising look at Rob as she walks out into the landing. He's gay but I think even a gay man may be tempted by the way Rob looks today.   The photographer and videographer, who left the suite a few minutes before also turn in our direction as we come out.   

"Robyn you look stunning darling.  Alex, beautiful too, perfect.  Everyone's ready for you Robyn sweetheart.  You all set?"  His tone is calm and professional, like he's done this a million times before, and it makes me feel a little more at ease.  

The photographer moves behind me and I hear him begin clicking away, as Josh with the video camera says he's going to wait downstairs at the door to the drawing room and film her coming down. 

Rob nods at him and turns to Liam.  "Yep, good to go, let's go get me a husband.  Where's my dad?"

"He's waiting downstairs for you.  I think he's more nervous than you." Liam smiles.

"Yeah, he'll be necking the hip flask already no doubt." She giggles, grabbing my arm to link it through hers.

The inside of the castle is a mixture of gorgeous, old medieval style with sandstone walls and old antiques but with some contemporary touches thrown in here and there.   It's a really beautiful setting if ridiculously over-priced; I don't even want to imagine how much Dan, Rob and their families have spent on today. 

Rob's an only child and her parent's divorced when she was fifteen after her mother ran off with a friend of her father's.  They'd both remarried now, and she isn't so close with her mother, but I know Paul and his new wife Nora had been saving for this day for years.    Dan and Rob are paying for a lot of today themselves too but the castle venue was a gift from the parents she'd said.   

I'd never want to get married somewhere like this, but a castle has been Rob's fairytale as long as I had known her and the fact that Dan had eagerly agreed to every aspect of today just confirmed to me how perfect he was for her.   

Paul is waiting just outside the door and when he turns round and spots her I'm certain he's about to burst into tears.

"Sweetheart.... You look... Christ." He stares at her speechless for a moment before leaning in to hug her.  I like Paul, Trusting and gentle, I always remember how heartbroken and changed he seemed immediately after Jane left him.   He's a tall grey-haired man who always seems to be doing something for someone or offering to. 

As Rob hugs her dad tight I see the first signs of tears from her, and when he squeezes his eyes shut tight and whispers something into her ear I feel myself well up.

Into the Dark (ORIGINAL AND UNEDITED EDITON)Where stories live. Discover now