Chapter 24

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Have fun!

With pattie and scooter
Scooter:*walks into their room*babe are you ok?
Pattie:yeah I'm just tired
Scooter:first off it's only 5:53. Secondly you have a conference call in 7
Pattie:can you do it for me?
Scooter:Hun you know I would but you already missed your plane to this meeting.
Scooter:I love you
Pattie:yeah I bet you do.
Scooter:fine I'll do it.
Pattie;no I can do it
Scooter:babe stop it! I'm gonna do it*blocks the door*
Pattie:*pushes scooter*move!
Pattie:Scotty mooooooveeeee!
Scooter:*picks her up and carries her to the bed*now stop whining!
Pattie;*laughs*i have to go!
Scooter:fine fine go and don't drive yourself crazy thinking about Justin.
Pattie:do I ever?
Scooter:*about to say something*
Pattie:don't answer that
With Justin and Selena
Selena:*riding Justin and moaning really loud*
Justin:*pushes her off then gets up and starts getting dressed* I'm not feeling it
Selena:did I do something wrong?
Justin;nah I'll see you later*kisses her violently then leaves*
Justin's PoV:god she's such a slut. I can't believe I just let Austin slip away from me like that. I wonder if he'll ever take me back...
The next day with Austin
Austin:*dancing around his room and singing to treasure by Bruno Mars*
Scooter:*walks in the room with ? Following him*hey Austin!
Austin:*turns around and sees them*oh um hey Scooter
Scooter:this is Nick Jonas
Austin:yeah I know I'm Austin*they shake hands*
Nick;I know*smirks*
Scooter:I'm gonna let you two get acquainted.*leaves the room*
Austin;so what did scooter tell you about me?
Nick:um just the basics like your name,your singing career, but he did forget to mention how cute you are
Austin:*looks down and blushes*thanks you're cute too
*they talk and laugh for hours and really start liking each other*
Nick:*starts to lean in*
Nick:sorry if I was rushing. It's just you are so gorgeous and I felt compelled to kiss you.
Nick:yeah and your even cuter when you blush.
Nick;*laughs a little*you're too cute! Austin Carter Mahone may I kiss you?
Austin:*looks down and starts to giggle and blush then nods*
Nick:*kisses Austin slow and soft and really romanticy*
?:*walks in*Austin...
Austin:*pulls away from Nick*what are you doing here?
?:I came to talk to you
Austin:sorry Nick. I'll be right back
Nick;no problem.
Austin:*walks out of the room with ?*what-

I bet y'all wanna know who it is.
Well I'll tell ya! It's...




To be continued...

Chillin in the Summertime Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone boyxboyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora