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You cared and somehow
That was all that matters

I was eating lunch,but not with the populars but I found a small bench near the library and ate in silence when my phone rang.

"Hello",I said.

"Hey its me,Rumpelstiltskin"he said.

I laughed"yes Tyler how are you?" I asked.

"I'm alright I'll meet you at your school gate to walk you home when my classes finish" he said.

I was surprised "oh you don't have to"I said shocked at his offer.

"Its the least I can do to ensure your safety because it is kinda my fault your car got taken away" he said.

"Ok see you then"I said happily and hung up.

Then I remembered what would my parents say.I didn't worry though because it was worth it.

After school

As I walked out the double doors I saw Tyler leaning against someone's car with his hands in his pocket and his bagpack over one shoulder.

He smiled and I hugged him and said"thanks" he nodded and we started our journey.

"What is you major in college"I asked.
"English and business major,you okay" he asked.

"No,but I will be" and with that I took his hand as we walked.

We talked about everything and anything, we were laughing and joking.
I felt happy and understood around him.

As I slowly stopped at my house my parents were already inside waiting. I gave Tyler a hug and went in.

"Who was that?,my mom asked.
"A friend" I said vaguely.
"He accompanied me home because I don't have a car and unlike some others he didn't want me walking alone on the streets" I said.

"Is this some kind of punishment for you to trick us into giving you back your car,because you're not getting it"he said.

"No dad and you can keep the car too",I sigjhed and went upstairs.
I felt the tears coming but I quickly got up and went to bed.


I woke up and quickly got ready for school.My parents were downstairs, my dad on his laptop and mom making waffles.

I sat down around the breakfast table and ate my waffles silently.
I waved them good bye after eating and started walking to Starbucks,chat a little then off to school and then lunch with the wannabe's and fakes.

Its like a routine now every evening he'd walk me home and wed talk about our future plans,our strengths and weakness and even about celeb gossip.

When he'd reach my house we would hug and say good byes.
This was better than an Audi because it was friendship that won't be broken with just one crash.

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