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"You know you're in love because reality are finally better than your dreams"-anonymous

I was speechless,I couldn't move or breathe all I could do is just stand there and look at how handsome he is looking in that white apron.

"Well,well look who I didn't know taking the job here I'll meet up on statues" he joked.

I snapped out of my daydream and asked"what are you doing here?".

"Well hello to you too and I'm working here" he said running his hands through his hair.

I shrugged and ordered my latte and waited for my drink.

He went around the back and emerged saying"special order for Ms beautiful".

I blushed and rushed outside with my latte then I realized a little pink note saying "sorry I left without saying goodbye,meet me in the park at seven I'll explain everything".

I smiled knowing I got my friend back the one who listened to my endless rambles and cared.

I sighed got in my car and rushed to school because I was late.What a great impression on your first day back,way to go Jessica.

I parked my car and rushed through the large double doors.

"So nice of you to finally join us Ms Edwards" the teacher said the class let out slight chuckles.

I sighed and took a seat next to the window and started to doodle at the back of my book. The teacher just layer pout the topics of the semester and her expectations.

I wasn't really listening though because all I could think about tat he was back I could already see a close friendship blossoming from this. I smiled and then the bell rang signaling the end of class.

Things haven't changed much,fake girls following you trying to act like your friend,boys trying to get in your pants and all the drama of high school and to be honest I just wanna graduate without causing any problems this year.

"Hey girl your outfit is totes cute" a girl from the cheer squad said.
I didn't want to be rude so I told her thanks with a fake smile.

As i walked to lunch she kept rambling on about some new guy in town and sat wit the popular group or my so-called "friends" and endulged myself in their conversation.

The school day ended pretty uneventful but I just couldn't wait until seven so I could talk with ...with
I mentally face palmed as I still didn't ask him his name.

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