Alteration Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Once they both got a surfboard and a wetsuit she said nervously “The water is going to be freezing cold”

“That’s why you’re wearing a suit” he said rolling his eyes, more teasingly than annoyed.

 She frowned at him playfully and ran fast to towards the waves thinking he would try to get there before her but she realized he stayed where he was.

“Rob? Julie?” said Ian running towards a girl and a guy Amelie didn’t recognize.

“Hey Rob, its Ian!” she said taking the guy’s hand and walking towards them, while Rob said “Hey!”

They greeted each other and Julie asked “Hey! Who’s your girl?”

Amelie looked at Ian with a big smile before turning to them and saying “I’m Amelie, just a friend”

“Oh sorry about that” said Julie with a little shrug and a smile.

“What brings you to Sunset Hill?” asked Rob

“Just came to teach this ugly girl how to surf” said Ian messing with Amelie’s hair. Amelie wrinkled her nose pushed his arm away.

The pair who was actually a couple chuckled.

“Well we could all teach you how to surf, you know” said Julie politely.

“Really? That’s so nice of you” said Amelie feeling she already liked Julie.

“Come on let’s try it” said Julie taking Amelie’s hand and running with the surfboards towards the waves, leaving the guys behind. “Have you ever practiced prone?”

“Practiced what?” said Amelie raising a single eyebrow in confusion.

“Okay… you’re not ready for the sea, c’mon” Julie placed her arm around Amelie’s shoulder as they walked towards the sand again, Amelie quite not aware of what was happening.

They laid the surfboards on the ground and Julie taught her how to center her body on the board and how to lift her chin and chest.

“Sorry, I swear I’m not this clumsy with other sports” Amelie said between giggles.

Julie joined her in laughter and said not to worry, that she was doing great, but Amelie felt her balance wasn’t very good anyways.

“Okay let’s try the waves now” said Julie with a pretty smile. “Ride the first waves lying down”

They all met up again in the sand after riding the same wave. “Am I the only one who drank salt water?” said Amelie biting her tongue making them laugh.

“Yeah I would think so” said Ian patting her back.

After trying for about an hour Amelie finally achieved surfing standing up and danced around happily laughing with Julie. She turned around to the guys and saw Ian starring distracted at something making her stop laughing, but tried keeping the smile to find out what he was looking at discreetly.

“Starring at your ass” was the whisper she heard from Julie on her ear followed by a giggle. She swallowed hardly remembering the words he said last week to her ‘I’m not intentionally trying to hurt you, you’re the one involving feelings here’. That thought made her feel suffocated, and it followed instantly by   ‘there’s only one thing I want from you, and I can easily get it again”.

The smile had vanished from her face. Julie took her arm.

“Amelie, are you alright?” she said trying to look at her eyes but her sight was lost.

Her eyes snapped back up and she said “Yeah sure” forcing a smile that look too real.

She looked back at Ian, terrified, as he flashed a perfect smile towards her but she couldn’t respond and just swallowed painfully.

“Let’s get something to eat, I’m starving” said Rob rubbing his tummy as if it were growling making Julie roll her eyes and say

“You’re going to eat like a bear again, aren’t you?”

“Probably” he answered smiling, placing his arm around her shoulder and walking towards their car, leaving Amelie and Ian a little behind them.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Ian asked getting a little closer to her.

“I want to go home” she said looking straight into his eyes coldly.

“You… you don’t want to go eat something with them first?” he said a little confused.

‘I just want to get away from you as soon as possible’ she thought. “Yeah sure” she said out loud wishing she had the strength to say what she really thought.

They went to a really nice restaurant and ordered gigantic burgers, of course the girls didn’t finish them and the guys even asked for dessert.

“You guys eat like pigs, how you can eat a whole burger?” said Julie trying to make some conversation since they arrived, but the guys were talking on their own and Amelie hadn’t said a single word and just smiled dryly every time Julie tried to joke with her.

Sick of being ignored Julie kicked Rob’s leg under the table and said “Umm, we should get going, we have this thing…umm…we have to get to”

Instantly detecting she was lying, Ian just continued her act, “Okay we have to live too we live a little far, it was nice seeing you” they all said their goodbyes and got in their cars after paying for the meal.

“Why were you so bitchy to Julie back there?” Ian said breaking the ice between them in the car, to receive more silence from her. “Amelie what’s going on?”

“Green light” she whispered, and he looked at her. His eyes were dominant and commanding; she knew he wouldn’t move the car until he got what he wanted. Looking back from the corners of her eyes she noticed there were no cars behind them, and she knew how stubborn he was.

“I’m just worried of what I’ll face at home, I mean if Erin and I will fight again or something” she lied and regretted how unrealistic and made up her excuse sounded, but then realized he had believed her, because he continued driving.

“If you had told me I could’ve just drive you home” he said with a sudden understanding in his voice that caught her off guard.

“Don’t worry about it” she said trying to make him feel better, “you got to spend more time with Rob, but I just feel a little bad about ignoring Julie so much but my mind was somewhere else” she spoke truthfully.

“At least you two had fun surfing” he said with a half- smile which made Amelie feel warm.

“Yeah we did” she said more to herself than to him.

“I should rescue you from your boring life more often, shouldn’t I?” he said and gave her an irresistible look which prevented her from speaking so she just nodded her head. She could take her eyes off his and a terrible urge to kiss him overwhelmed her.

She saw he turned his sight behind her just for one second so she turned around too and noticed they were already in front of her apartment.

She exhaled in a short chuckle and looked up at him saying “We’re here”

“Yeah” he said and pressed his lips together while nodding his head. He probably noticed how she didn’t know what to say or do so he said “Call me if you get bored” and half-smiled.

She blinked slowly, like when you can’t come back to reality, but said “Yes I will” and slowly leaned in but then quickly kissed his cheek. They were both smiling but her smile look more childish as she got off the car and waved at him as she opened the door to get in.


Hey my beautiful readers, sorry it took me longer to upload this chapter, but my phone died and I had this chapter there so I had to re-write it in a computer :( But still, I hope you like it. Feel free to comment and vote, I hope you have a beautiful day! :) 

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