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After explaining to Lord Megatron what I know about the situation, I went to go check up on the two. Entering the room I saw the two awake patched up, and looking away from each other with crossed arms. I felt tension in the air both not knowing of my presence until I spoke up, looking down at my peds rubbing my arm. "Hi...guys..." I spoke up quietly.

"Hi.." "Hey..." They both said, before I felt that one of them walks over and hugs me laying they're head on mine. I looked up to see that it was Predaking, I smiled a bit before tearing up and hugs him whimpering gently. "MoonSeeker look at me..." I heard him say gently, when I didn't he made me look at him "What's troubling you..." He asks.

I let out a wary sigh and reply, "Just....seeing you two like this makes me feel like I am the one at fault. I care about you both with all my spark, but you guys just can't keep acting like this. Listen Knockout I don't love you anymore, I  stopped after coming out of the hospital back on cybertron. Predaking I wanted to wait until later but I love you a lot. At first you were my best friend but it grew into something more, and I can't hold it in anymore."

I look at them both scared of what they might say, before feeling the hug tighten a bit and Knockout looks away. I smile up at Predaking before looking at Knockout, "You can't live your life like this.....and I know someone would agree..." He looks at me confused before seeing Breakdown enter nervously, he seemed a bit surprise seeing him like this "Breaky? What's wrong?" He got up and came over, looking at him worriedly.

We watched as the two walk out, leaving us alone in the med room. I suddenly yelp getting pulled over with him back on the berth, laughing as he changes into a dragon and curls around me protectively. I smiled kissing his cheek before turning into a wolf and nuzzles him lovingly, curling into his side. I had a feeling Breakdown and Knockout would be great together, as I fell asleep besides my love Predaking.

My Best Friend Is PredakingWhere stories live. Discover now