The Rescue

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MoonSeeker's p.o.v

I was playing around with my friend, smiling until I was called for patrol duty and also keep a look out for energon mines. Soundwave teleported me to my destination, as I then transform heading out. 20 minutes of patrolling later, I find a cave and enters it looking around. I use my comm to try and get Soundwave to bridge me back, but nothing.

I freeze thinking I heard something but it wasn't anything special. I continue to walk until suddenly the cave starts to crumble I ran out transforming but it wasn't enough because the next thing I knew I was caved in ,and injured badly from my hind legs. I whimper, trying to get the heavy rocks off my legs. I stop as it was to painful, and howls hoping that someone would come save me.

Predaking's p.o.v

I was just waiting patiently until I heard something, I got up and listened to it closely. Wait...I know that howl! I immediately fly up and goes to check it out, hoping it wasn't who I think it is. When I got to the location, I founded a crumbled cave where the howling is coming from. I moved the rocks away to open up the outside, I soon poke my head in to reveal MoonSeeker in her wolf form.

And her legs were stuck under rocks, I used my tail to take them off before picking her up with my tail. Then I used my claws to hold her close, as I fly back with an injured MoonSeeker.

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