Predaking's Friend

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Predaking's p.o.v

Today I was just relaxing, watching Starscream's failing attempts to make me do as he says. But soon I smile mentally as MoonSeeker arrives and I watch amusingly as Starscream runs off. I happily watch as she runs over in her wolf form, before she cuddles up to my side. I nuzzle her head gently with my head before she transforms back, hugging my neck. "Hello Predaking.."

I heard her say softly with a smile. I responded with a soft growl and nuzzles her happily, which she only laughs petting my head. I curled up around her as usual, as she curls up staying close to my neck. I wrap a wing around her, as I gently lay my head on her lap.

MoonSeeker's p.o.v

I smile and pet his head softly, giving the top of his head a kiss. He let out a purr nuzzling me more, I smiled at the way he was acting. He was like a giant dog, which is very adorable. I changed into a wolf, and laid against his side. The wing keeping me warm, as it curls around me. I let out a soft bark, snuggling into his side more as our heads were close together. I enjoyed being with Predaking, he makes me happy. 

I thought about it quietly, as I was playing with his claws happily. For a short time I have grown fond of Predaking, as well as both of us becoming best friends. I watched him softly, he looked amused at what I was doing. Soon looking away playing with his claws in my wolf form I knew I didn't want him to leave everytime he goes out to hunt the Autobots, since I always felt pain in my spark even if we aren't spark bonded.

Then again...I haven't sparked bonded with anyone in my whole existence, and I am curious as to what it feels like. My ears flatten when I was called, so I stood up and nuzzles predaking softly as if saying See you later.. before disappearing behind the sliding door. I joined Soundwave's side, since apparently we are working together Megatron gave us our mission. I just have a bad feeling about this mission...

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