Predaking's Fury (Pred's p.o.v)

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When I rolled back over in my sleep to keep MoonSeeker warm, I opened my optics to see she was gone. I quickly got up and growls, picking up a scent 'Does that medic think he will take my mate away?! I will rip him to shreds if I have too!!' I thought angrily, roaring out in rage as I was getting ready to find her. Soon her brother and Shockwave run over to see what was happening, only to find me in the air.

"Predaking let us come with you! We may not know what's going on, but we really want to help!" Moonseer calls out, I thought about before nodding. I landed so they could get on, before running and then flies off following the medic's scent. His smell tainted my nose, to where I can't smell how wonderful my mate is. It took some time, plus the two explained to Lord Megatron what was going on.

I landed in front of the cave, only to hear screaming coming from the cave. They slide off and I follow them inside, we stopped and listened to what was going on. "S-tay away from me Knockout! Keep it away!" MoonSeeker yells out. "You don't understand do you! You don't deserve to be anyone's lover but mine! I can't live without you my sunshine!" Knockout replied.

"Oh yeah?! That's exactly what you said before you cheated on me! Huh! You did this and I will never forgive you! You caused me so much grief and pain! I don't love you anymore, I love someone else! You can't just force love Knockout, now untie me this instant!" "I'm sorry MoonSeeker...but you left me no choice..." I immediately run in and transforms into my cybertronian form, before tackling him down destroying the syringe.

"Get MoonSeeker out of here and call for backup!" I ordered out, which they did so as me and Knockout engage in a bloody battle. It ended with Knockout and me unconscious, with a lot of wounds and scratches. Just knowing my mate is safe, my spark rests happily.

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