13. 'Kelli, With An I.'

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Kelli's P.O.V

When Davina and I parted, my first idea was to go home and watch SVU for a few hours until it was time to go out and be social again but all of a sudden I felt the desire for another coffee so I stepped back into Starbucks and got a frustrated glare from the man who asked me to clean my coffee up earlier. I'm guessing most of their customers don't accidently spit their drink out over the floor, oh well.

When I ordered my drink and they asked me my name, I told them it was 'Kelli, with and I' and I heard a gasp from one of the booths. "As in, Kelli Giddish?" A voice exclaimed and my head snapped around vigorously.

"You know who Kelli Giddish is?" I gaped at the male in front of me.

"Uh yeah, she only plays Amanda Rollins in the greatest TV show of all time!"

"SVU!" We both said at the same time.

I gave him a look and smirked, completely forgetting about ordering my pumpkin spice latte. "Every time I watch it on TV, I stand in front of the mirror in my living room so I can see my reflection as well as the TV screen in the background and religiously speak the beginning."

We looked at each other before both bursting out loudly. "In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offences are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are part of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories."

"I'm Josh." Josh stuck his hand out and I shook it while grinning widely.

"Kelli, with an I." I smirked and we both started laughing.

In the end, we both ended up sat in a booth together talking about the promo of season 17 episode 17 of SVU and I had finally got my pumpkin spice latte. On the side, was my name spelt 'Kellie'. Let's just say he knows how my name's spelt now.

"Do you think Olivia's going to leave?" Josh snapped me out of my thoughts with his question.

"Hell no, she'll probably be promoted or something. She can't leave, she's great."

Josh was about to reply when my phone started ringing, I picked it up quickly without looking at the ID. "Hello? Kelli, with and I, speaking."

"Kelli, I need you to come somewhere with me."

"Marcel? If this is some idiotic plan to try and force me to locate Davina for you, you can stuff it up your ass you son of a bitch." I groaned into the phone.

"Actually, I think Davina might be in trouble so I need you and Josh to come and help me save her."

"W-How do you know I'm with Josh?"

There was a knock at the window which made me jump, I turned my head to see Marcel stood there with his phone pressed against his ear. I hung up before shooting Josh a look which said: 'we should go' and we gathered up our coats and drinks before heading out into the blinding sunlight of New Orleans.

"So," I said once we were in front of Marcel. "Where's Davina?"

"I asked a witch to do a locator spell for me which told me she was somewhere in the bayou, no doubt with Elijah or Klaus."

"But, the bayou is where all of the werewolves are. Why would they be there?" Josh asked while folding his arms and adjusting the sunglasses that were shielding his eyes.

"It's the Mikaelsons, Josh, get with it." I said while punching him in the arm gently.

"I'm sorry, don't go all Benson on my ass."

"Wha- You know what, I don't even want to know. Let's just go find out where they are and what trouble they've gotten themselves into."

About 20 minutes later, Josh, Marcel and I finally arrived somewhere in the middle of nowhere, we got out of Marcel's car and Josh and I started following him around. The stench of blood drifted up my nostrils making me cringe and sent shivers down my spine.

We came up to an old cabin place which looked like it was abandoned. Walking up to it, I could see that the windows were broken and could hear noise coming from inside.

"GET OFF ME!" Someone screamed, it sounded like a girl.

Marcel slowly stepped towards the door and motioned for us to follow on behind, which we did. Carefully, he nudged open the door and we crept inside of the creepy cabin of death.

The noise sounded like it was coming from upstairs, so leading the way I started to make my way up the stairs with Marcel and Josh following closely behind me.

"LET GO OF ME!" Someone shrieked again.

I spied another door and using my powers, I sent it flying off its hinges towards the wall of the room. We all ran towards the room and stepped inside to see a passed out, Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus. Tied to two chairs were Davina and Hayley and there was an angry looking guy giving us evil glares from his stance near Davina.

Deciding to make the first move, I snapped a chair leg and charged towards the male and plunged the makeshift stake into his stomach making him cry out in pain and fall to the floor.

"Thank god." Davina mumbled while Marcel untied her arms and feet. "I thought I was gonna be stuck here forever and although I hate you very much, Marcel, thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome, Davina, what did he do to them?" Marcel questioned while gesturing towards the three originals sprawled out on the carpet.

"He only snapped their necks, they should be up again within the hour," Hayley stated while rubbing her wrists gently.

"As for Tyler," Davina shot a look to who I was presuming Tyler, groaning in agony on the floor. "I think it's time someone put and end to his pathetic existence."

"You're beginning to sound more like Elijah and Klaus every day, Davina, and I'm not sure that's a good thing," Hayley mumbled.

Marcel marched over to Tyler and shoved a hand into his chest making me wince. In one swift movement, his heart was on the floor as well as Tyler's lifeless body.

"Well, there's one problem solved," Josh said, eyeing the heart.


I couldn't go on my laptop yesterday so I couldn't update sooooooooo, I'm going to update twice tonight ;) Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Vote? Comment? Followww meeee? No? Okay, fine, whatever. Ly guyssss<3


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