"Mum... Rue...." She sobs.

"Shh. It was just a nightmare. Only a dream."

"But you were there too and it was night and there was another girl with you as well and even Soren. And I watched Juliet scar your faces. Even Soren's and then ditty came along and told her to hurry up and kill you and then I woke." She sobs.

"It's only a dream." I whisper.

She starts to calm down and stop crying, and then notices Zara.

"It's the girl from my dream!" She says.

"Oh, Daisy, this is Zara."

Suddenly, Bonnie wakes.

"Who's Zara?" She says, sitting up. She spots her and glares over at me. The sun is already starting to crawl into the sky.

"Prim, lets go for a walk. You guys stay here. We'll be back before Percy's awake."


"Why did you let her in?" She asks.

"I had to! The careers were after her and if they had found her I'd have killed myself. Well, not literally but, yeah."

"What? There were careers near the cave!"

"Yes, and if I hadn't had let her in they'd have looked for her until they found it! What's so bad about her anyway?"

She sighs.

"Nothing, I suppose."

"Aright. Lets go back to the cave before Percy wakes up."

With that, we walk back. We walk past the ashes of the fire and Bonnie looks at all the shoe prints in the fresh mud. When we get back to the cave, Percy is still asleep and Daisy and Zara are deep in conversation.

Now the sun I giving a small tint of light, I can see that she has pale skin and dirty blonde hair, as well as a scar with a bit of dried blood on it on her left cheek. She seems to have a swollen ankle.

"Come on, lets have some breakfast. Do you have any food?" Bonnie says to Zara.

"Yes. I pushed it under a bush when I heard the careers. It's probably still there."

We go out and back to the fire. Zara starts searching through bushed so we do the same. Zara shouts.

"Found it." She pulls out an orange pack and a lighter.

We head back to the cave and she pulls the pack open and spills the contents on the floor. Inside is some dry beef & crackers, as well as a piece of rope and an apple.

"You don't have any water! You must be dehydrated." Bonnie exclaims and passes her a bottle. She takes it thankfully and gulps it down in two seconds flat.

"Sorry." She says, passing it back.

"Don't be. We still have 3 more and we just need to find a place to refill it."

We eat a breakfast of dried neat and fruit and as we're eating, Percy stirs. His eyes flutter open and he sits up.

"Percy!" I cry and hug him. "I'm so glad you're alright!"

He hugs me back for a second and then we pull apart awquardly.

"I'm fine, but how are you. Who's dead? Where's Harriet?" He looks around an suddenly I realize he must not have seen Juliet throw it, because he was too busy fighting Ditty. I look into his blue eyes an they fill with fear.

"Prim. Where Harriet?" He says, an edge of fear in his voice.

The tears I had been holding back over Harriet's death come streaming out and I fall into him. I sob into his jacket and he cries as well, stroking my hair. The others leave the cave, leaving us alone. My sobbing slows and soon I'm just leaning on his shoulder, tear stains running down my cheeks. I am entirely unprepared for what happens next.

Percy pulls his arm around me, and I look up and into his eyes. The sadness in them is unmistakable but there I also something else.

With no warning, he leans in and his lips press against mine. A tingling sensation runs through me and his lips are cool on mine. His warm chest touches mine and warmth in circles me. Sparks seem to fly and I lose myself. It was the kiss of my dreams and I wished it would never end, but it does. We pull apart and suddenly, all is different.

In the small period of what seemed like 2 hours but was actually only 5 seconds, all feelings I had for Percy had changed. Once again, I lean my head against his shoulder, thoughts whirring through my head. None of them make sense except 2.

1. I no longer thought of Percy in friend-like ways


2. I was not going to let him, or any of the others die.


There you have it. A little bit of love, another alliance, a nightmare involving Soren and the question on all our minds is, how did Daisy dream of Zara if she had never even met her? Was the dream dreamt to come true?

Anyway, please vote and comment what your favorite part of the chapter was! Whether it was Zara, the kiss, the last line ect. Also comment what death you'd want Juliet or ditty or crunch to have. I may use your ideas, if they're good, so be creative!

Thanks a bunch,


P.S. my friend practically begged me to do this (ok maybe that's not entirely true, she asked and I said maybe)

Check out Jaydle's book, hungry capitol! (It's strange and different but in a good way)

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