Cry Chapty 2 lol there is hot stuff but its also sad so its yo own risk

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~thisissirius dank yu siriusly
muahahahha ahahah haha ha haaaaaaa😖😖😖😖

He turns his face, lets his tongue drag across the curve of Nico's throat. There's a sharp breath and Nico's fingers tighten. "Percy-"

"Please," Percy begs, shifting until he can turn Nico's face to his own, can reach forward and kiss him. Their lips meet, a slide of Nico's tongue against Percy's bottom lip and their mouths are open, tasting and touching and kissing until Percy thinks he could disappear inside of Nico and never come out again.

He wants that.

He closes his eyes, kisses his way down Nico's body who's naked beneath Percy's hands. His fingers trace Nico's chest, nipple and stomach. His touch is feather-light and he can feel the hitches in Nico's breath every time he touches something sensitive, until he slides back onto his ankles, can see the curve of Nico's dick against his stomach, already hard.

He traces the curve of Nico's hip with his teeth and tongue, dips into the hollow and lets a breath roll out across Nico's dick. It twitches and there's a heady smell as Nico leaks precum, driving Percy to his knees. He hovers over Nico, looks into eyes that are almost expressionless and Percy's heart skips a beat.

No, he thinks and dips his head, kisses Nico hungrily, as if they are running out of time.

Nico rises to meet him, dick rubbing against Percy's jeans and he feels tight in the confines of his clothes. He reaches down, pops the fly and shoves a fist into his boxers, strokes himself once. Nico's eyes are hooded and blown, his fingers all over Percy's face and stroking his hair, his cheek, his jaw. "Come on," he whispers, urging Percy on.

Percy does. The angle is wrong and he wants to turn Nico onto his front and slide into him, fist a hand into his hair and feel Nico writhe beneath him. But he wants to see Nico's eyes more, the expression of love and want that is fast waning. Percy knows he must be quick.

He slides a hand under Nico's thigh and hooks his leg over his shoulder. It's going to be awkward but Percy doesn't care. His hips stutter against the grass and he groans, slides forward. Nico's fingers are deep in his hair, tugging until Percy slides home, feels Nico tight and hot around his dick.

"Nico," he manages, voice drawn. Nico smiles, reaches up and kisses the corner of Percy's mouth. They move together, Percy's jerks harsher and getting worse as he speeds up. This has to be hurting Nico but he doesn't complain, he lets Percy ride it out.

Percy strains, feels tears wet on his cheeks but he doesn't stop. Stars explode in a mass of white behind his eyes as he comes, fingers clenching in the dirt as he feels a sticky mess on his stomach from Nico's own release. "I love you," he says. "I love you, I love you, I love you."

"Percy-" Nico says, touching Percy's bottom lip with his thumb. "i-"


Nico starts to fade and Percy feels his heart stutter. Hades stands off to his right, face expressionless. Percy should be embarrassed, should be surprised but he knows that Hades has been there all along, watching. He wants to see grief and pain and sadness but he is not surprised when he does not.

Percy traces what is left of Nico's face with his fingertips and promises never to forget, to hold him always in his heart. Percy is a hero and a demigod and saviour of the world but still he could not keep Nico safe. He made a bargain with death for this one chance, this one hour to see Nico again, to touch him and kiss him and feel him. He is aware that he is half naked on grass that doesn't even feel real with Hades standing two feet away. He wants to be strong but Nico's absence is like an endless twisting knife in his stomach. e crawls onto all fours and dips his head between his shoulder blades. Hades is not stupid but Percy still can't bear to be weak before him.

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