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"So what's on the agenda today?" Louis asked as we all settled into our seats. I was currently squished between Zayn and Niall on the couch with Meghan. Liam had one arm chair, Harry had the other and Louis had plopped himself down on the small coffee table contentedly.

"I still think you shouldn't have all come here. The seating arrangement would have been a bit better if Terra and I had simply gone to your guys hotel."

"Are you saying you don't like sitting next to me?" Niall joked, tickling Meghan's side. She started laughing and hit his chest.

"Yeah, maybe I am!" Their easy banter quickly ensued and I shook my head at them before answering Louis' question.

"Why don't we do what we always do?" I asked. Louis wrinkled his nose at the thought, as if he was disgusted by the idea of lounging around and watching movies.

"The usual is no fun. Bit borin' actually." He stands up and goes to Liam's chair, leaning against it. "Can't we be spontaneous? Go do something fun?" He asked.

"We would have to go deeper into L.A for a bit more fun." Meghan pointed out, jumping into the conversation.

"Let's do it then." Zayn said on my other side. Louis snapped his fingers and pointed at Zayn.

"See, there we go. That's the stuff. If Zayn is down, then the rest of you should be down as well." Louis said pointedly. Which was true. Zayn's favorite thing to do was stay inside and do nothing. If he wanted to go out and have a little fun, then we all should.

"Okay, let's go then." Liam said, standing. "It's a good thing we drove here."

"Even though it's technically illegal, you guys don't have California licenses or any United States licenses and I still can't believe you guys never told me that." I reminded them.

"If we had, then you wouldn't have gotten in the car with Louis." Harry pointed out.

"And you're right, because he's an awful driver." Everyone laughed.

"No worries, Liam will be behind the wheel." Louis said enthusiastically, clipping his shoulder. "We'll have a full car for once." He was right. There was seven of us now, enough to fill up one of their SUV's. As we all began to stand, I glanced towards Meghan who was already looking my way. We had talked about tonight earlier.

I had wanted to somehow get Harry alone, by either asking him to come with me somewhere or help me with something because I wanted to further discuss this whole situation with us. I didn't want to make Hunter jealous of Harry or have him hate me and Harry needed to know that this was serious, I was serious about keeping my boyfriend.

Meghan handed me her car keys as I touched Harry's arm. "What?" He asked, confused. I didn't respond to him, just waited for everyone to begin to file out of the room. Meghan ushered Niall out and then it was just Harry and I in the dorm. Meghan smiled at us before shutting the door. "Okay, what's going on?" Harry asked. On the other side of the door, I could hear them asking for us and then the rest of it was muffled as they moved away.

"I wanted to continue our talk if that's okay." I said with a small smile.

"Okay." The two of us sat back down on the sofa, a full persons space between us. "What specifically did you want to talk about?" I licked my lips and sighed before starting up.

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