Dinner and A Show

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"Please say you'll come!" I begged Hunter, through the phone. My boyfriend sighed as I frowned. I hadn't seen the boys since their security had picked them up from our dorms yesterday night. I had been in classes for a better part of the day and the boys wanted to hang out with Meghan and I.

"Hunter can come too if he likes." Liam input. I smiled.

"Where are we going?" Meghan asked.

"Just out to dinner. And don't worry, we're paying." Louis said with a grin.

"Well I certainly wasn't going to pay." Meghan said with a roll of her eyes. I hit her arm as the boys on the other end of the phone laughed.

"She's kidding." I told them.

"No I wasn't." Meghan corrected. I sighed as the boys continued to laugh. Well I was happy that they had decided to include Hunter, I was worried about Harry and how he might feel about having my boyfriend there. And I was worried Hunter wouldn't be civil with Harry, my ex-boyfriend. God I wish things weren't complicated.

"Terra.. I don't.. I don't know okay?" He said slowly. I nodded my head slowly. It would be a bit awkward but I wanted him there. I wanted him to get to know my friends.

"Can you just.. Think about it? Please. I really want you to go. These guys are my friends and I want you guys to get to know each other." Hunter sighed.

"Yeah Terra I'll think about it." He murmured.

"Thank you Hunter. I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Uh-huh, yeah." I pursed my lips.


"Bye Terra." We hung up and I sighed, looking down at my phone in my hands.

"Boyfriend not coming?" Meghan asked as she walked out of the bathroom, putting her earrings on.

"He hasn't decided yet." Meghan shook her head.

"Well he should decide soon because we're leaving in like three hours. You need to go get ready and look smoking hot." I snorted, rolling my eyes.

"Why?" I asked her. "My boyfriend won't even be there."

"Yeah but you know who will?" Meghan asked, wiggling her eyebrows up and down. The boys? What did she mean... Shit..

"Meghan, Meghan. No."

"No what?" She asked innocently.

"No I'm not going to get all dressed up for Harry." Meghan sighed and rolled her eyes at me.

"Well you should. Have you seen him? He looks so hot now."

"He was always hot." I murmured, looking at the ground. Meghan smirked at me. "But that's not the point. Harry and I aren't together. I shouldn't be trying to impress him." I said, blushing red.

"Are you kidding? You need to impress more than ever. Show him what he's missing out on Terra. He's going to regret lying to you last year."

"I already know that he greats it Meghan." She sighed and out her hands on my shoulders.

"Yes well, please just go and get all hot for me then okay? Get dressed up for me." I started laughing and shook her hands away.

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