Little White Lies

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"Hunter, we really need to talk." He glanced up at me as I sat in the seat next to him.

"About what?" He asked, bored.

"Us? What do you think?" I paused. "Unless there isn't an us anymore.. Is there? You didn't.. We haven't broken up have we?" I asked, panic rising inside of me. Why did I bring this up now before the start of class?

"I don't know.. Is there? Do I have anything to worry about with Harry being back in town?" He asked me in a tired voice.

"No. Nothing." I said adamantly, leaning towards him. I wanted to touch his arm but I didn't think he would accept the gesture so I kept my hand on my desk.

"Good morning class." Our teacher said as he walked into the room. "Who has the homework out and ready? Turn it in." There was a ruffling of papers and scraping of chairs s students got up to put the work on his desk. Hunter pulled out his paper from his folder and stood up. I followed suit, paper in hand.

"We'll talk after class Terra." Hunter said almost in a dismissing tone. I nodded my head slowly, biting my bottom lip. I really hoped he meant actual talking and not arguing. I had to make him understand that there was nothing between Harry and I. Well there was something but I was with Hunter and that's all that mattered.


"Okay, so let's talk." Hunter said as soon as we emerged out of the classroom. I jogged after him.

"Right now?" I asked. "I thought we could sit down, drink some coffee.."

"I have another class in thirty minutes."

"Well can we talk after? I'm going to need more than twenty minutes..."

"You're going to need more than twenty minutes?" Hunter interrupted. I stopped walking abruptly as he turned to face me. "Why so you can explain your way out of this? So you can lie to me?"

"What? No! Hunter, I don't like Harry. I'm with you."

"You were together a year."

"So what!" I exclaimed.

"So there's history there." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes there's history but there's a reason it's called that. If's I n the past Hunter." He shook his head and continued walking. I chased after him.

"He's still in love with you." I laughed nervously.

"What? No he's not."

"Yes he is. I can see it in the way he looks at you. Harry still loves you." I pursed my lips. If even Hunter could see it then...

"But this is about us, not him. I'm not in love with him."

"But you still have feelings for him." Hunter grumbled.

"Of course I do. He's one of my best friends! He knows a lot about me. More than most people do."

"I know you. Right? Am I most people?" He asked. I paused. I hadn't told him yet and now was not the time. I could T pause for too long. I had to say something.

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