The Train Ride Part 4 ~ Ebony Night

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Medala explains the pin and I listen intently. Then she asks me about my necklace. I take it from round my neck and look at it while I try and think of something to say about it.

"My necklace...I don't know anything about it. All I know is that my mother and father gave it too a peace-keeper to give to me."

Medala looks confused. "Why give it too a Peace-Keeper? Why not just give it you when they came to say goodbye?"

"Because they didn't come to say goodbye. No one did. They said goodbye to Serinity, of course. But not me."

Medala stares at me. "Well, if they didn't come to say goodbye why did they give it you? The obviously don't care so why waste a token when they could give it to Serinity?"

I finger the Mockingjay charm.

We sing at home. At work, too. That's why I love your pin...


Medala blinks. "What?"

"Rue. My aunt, my mothers older sister. District 11 tribute in the 74th Hunger Games. She loved too sing and was friends with the Mockingjays. She allied with the victor Katniss Everdeen, who had the famous Mockingjay symbol as a pin. Rue said in the games she loved the pin, but when Katniss offered it to her she didn't take it. She had a necklace with a wooden charm."

I remember something I had never seen till now. When I saw Serinity at the train station, he had a necklace too. With a grass chain and a wooden point peeking above his shirt. Medala must see the recognition in my face.

We both whisper at the same time. "Serinity..."

5 minutes later we are sitting on my bed discussing the 2 charms.

"So your parents gave Serinity Rue's charm?" asks Medala. I nod, still fingering the necklace.

"So why did you get Katniss's symbol instead. She was a victor, she didn't die like Rue did. Thats like your parents are saying 'Ebony can have the victor symbol because she's going to win. Serinity can have the losers symbol no one remembers because we don't care about him." Medala points out the thing I was thinking.

I look at the Tv in my room. "We need to watch the 74th Games, to check the facts. Maybe we can pick up some strategies along the way. But where can we get a tape?" I rack my brains, thinking maybe there will be one on the train.

Then the District 11 escort comes in carrying a box of tapes.

"I didn't think you would be sleeping tonight, so I brought you some tapes of old games so you can pick up some strategies." She puts the box down and scurries out the room.

I run over and dig in the box. Yep, the 74th Hunger Games. I pick it up, walk over to the tv and insert the tape.

Then I sit down on the bed with Medala to watch.

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