The Goodbyes- Medala Wren

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I go into my holding room where people can come to say goodbye to me before I die. I begin to silently let tears fall down my face. Then my father and mother walk in. Maybe you guys know my mother. Madge. She has no more friends. They all thought she was dead and gone. By the time she escaped and got to district 13, her friends were already continuing with their lives.

"Medala! Sweetie.." and then she starts to cry. She hugs me and I let her cry for me. My father is teary too and he hugs us both. "I can't believe another person I love is going away.." I hear my mother whisper. This sends her into another set of sobs. My father holds her and they both hug me and kiss me. My mother gives me a golden pin. It's a bird. I think a mockingjay. The eye of the mockingjay is green like mine. I remember singing to the birds when I was smaller. My mother and father leave and I am left alone.

"Dally!" screams Claira. I run to her and hug her and we both cry and cry.

"I was going to volunteer for you Medala but they just moved too fast!" she cries more. I hug her and tell her it's ok. She finally leaves as a peacekeeper drags her out of my room crying. I feel helpless. I have just ruined my best friend and parents lives! I can't do anything about it.. I begin to let the tears fall.

Finally we have to board the train and the press is all over Faesil and I. We are the first people of District 13 to be in the hunger games since about 100 years ago. I try to ignore the flashes. I see another set of flashes over to the left. A girl that looks about 12, looks sad and she has a bruise on her face. I wonder how that happened. Then, there's her partner a large handsome boy who looks very athletic and strong. From what I know about careers, he looks like one, but, he has the number 11 on him. So does the girl.

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