Slot Machines & Sponsorships

Start from the beginning

No, each of you plays the slot machines individually. You have the same chance as everyone else, and it will always be a 6/7 chance to win something and 1/7 chance to lose, for you as an individual. This isn't a lottery-like function.

What are the mechanics of the slot machines?

We use a computerized randomizer on each of you playing, to determine what you win. Don't worry, we aren't deciding ourselves who gets what. That would be unfair, and we like keeping things fair. You won't know what you'll be getting, and neither will we.

Why can't I use the prizes during Quarterfinals?

By Quarterfinals, we have deemed you all capable of writing something on your own without notes, advice, or an extended word limit. As far as ballots and kills go, at Quarterfinals the ballots and kills will be replaced with Byes which are a form of immunity from votes.


All the Gamemakers on this account value fairness very much and want these Author Games to be as fair as possible for everyone. That being said, it would be unfair if everyone was rewarded the exact same prizes, despite a few of you going the extra mile with entries and trying just a little bit harder than the others in terms of quality. To prevent this unfairness, we are going to give out 4 sponsorships to 4 deserving competitors who have gone the extra mile to make their entries fantastic, and have seemingly worked hard to craft brilliant characters and entries.

You can be sponsored by each of the Aces, which are the following people:

Emerson Monroe

Zahra Adesso

Kol Deyman

Arcana Lustrai

Each will sponsor a player of their choice, and the player will then have exclusive benefits that are not provided in the slot machines.

The sponsored will receive:

- A 13 they can use on any, single task of their choice till Quarterfinals. If you are unfamiliar with this, it's basically an automatic score you will receive, regardless of length or quality. All you have to do is write a single sentence, and notify us that you are using the perk, and you will automatically have a 13 as a score. Use it wisely, as this is the only 13 you will be getting.

- Immunity on ballots/kills on one task up until Quarterfinals. What this is, is the ability to be immune to ballots or kills. If someone writes your player's name on a ballot, it will not count, and you will not face any deduction towards your score. You can use this benefit once, for one task of your choice until Quarterfinals.

- General advice from the sponsor, on any advice needed.

- A rigged slot machine that you can use 3 times. Basically, the 'nothing' option is taken out of the slot machine, and no matter what, you cannot lose. You will have a 7/7 chance to win something. However, you can only use it 3 times, and after that it will be a regular slot machine. You will also have to pay the 2 points, regardless of it being rigged or regular.


Can I use my Sponsorship on another person?

Yes you can. You may also use 1 of your 3 chances of the rigged slot machine on another person.

Why can't I use my sponsor perks during Quarterfinals?

Same reason the prizes on the slot machines will expire. At that time and forward, we will be looking at the quality of your written entry that is based entirely upon your skill, and skill alone.

How do I get sponsored?

Do your best on your character form, and Task One entry. We'll mainly be looking at your Task One entry, but we will also take a peek at your character form. If your character form is filled with errors and incomplete sentences, we're going to be less compelled to sponsor you, despite how well you did on Task One. Write to the best of your ability on Task One (as it's always good to start off on the right foot) and just try. We appreciate effort of all forms, and will be compelled to sponsor you if we felt you tried your best, and tried to go the extra mile to impress us.


Thank you for reading if you did. Honestly, reading this section is probably more beneficial to you than it is to us, and you're actually helping yourself by reading this. If you have any questions at all, please please just ask. We would hate for you to be confused throughout this experience, and we want you to have fun. You can't have fun if you're confused. PM us, comment, whatever your preference, and do not be afraid to ask. We don't bite, and we'll be happy to explain something if it's unclear to you.

Thank you.

We hope to see you in the Game, and keep a watch for the Gamemakers and Reservations pages.

Author Games: Ace of SpadesWhere stories live. Discover now