What is it?

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This section is over asexuality in general and not any of its spectrum like graysexual or demisexual. They will have their own chapter.

Asexuality means someone does not feel sexual attraction. Sometimes that can mean that they do not think about people as sexual beings at all and exclude from all sexual acts or sometimes it could mean they find others attractive just have no sexual attractions to them.
Asexuals might still have sex and others will not. It is all up to the individual. Sexuality does not include romantic interest. Someone can be heterosexual but homoromantic. They are two totally different things. So in saying that Asexuals can be aromantic or panromantic depending on the person. You do not choose your sexuality or who you are romantically attracted to.
Asexuality is not celibacy though it is often linked with that. Celibacy is a choice on having no sex whereas asexuality is not a choice. That does not mean Asexuals can not have organisms it just means they lack sexual attraction.
****_____Many people hear the word "asexual" and make assumptions about what it means. They think of single-celled organisms in a petri dish. They think of a celibate monk on far off mountaintop. They think of a genderless robot from outer space. Asexuality isn't any of those things.

In particular:

Asexuality is not an abstinence pledge. (Although there may be abstinent aces.)
Asexuality is not a synonym for celibacy. (There are celibate aces and promiscuous aces and aces everywhere in between.)
Asexuality is not a gender identity. (Although there may be trans, non-binary, or genderqueer aces.)
Asexuality is not a disorder. (Although there may be aces with physical or mental conditions.)
Asexuality is not a choice. (Although not every ace is "born that way".)
Asexuality is not a hormone imbalance. (Although there may be aces with hormone issues.)
Asexuality is not a fear of sex or relationships. (Although there may be aces who are afraid of or otherwise dislike sex or relationships.)_____****

The ****_____**** section was not written by me but from a website www.whatisasexuality.com
I just knew I could not have said these things any better than they did.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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