On the Boardwalk

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~ Days later~

They are in a hotel in NYC, their next concert stop. Walter got separate rooms for the boys/girls this time.

Jacob, Diggy and raven are in MB’s room.

Jacob: Raven where is Taylor?

Raven: Back in our room. She was coming but he is in here. (Pointing to Diggy)

Prince: What is the deal between ya’ll anyway?

Diggy: Well I met her at one of my concerts and we started going out but it didn’t end well.

Raven: Dame right it didn’t end well.

Diggy: Raven, you and me don’t have a beef we can be friends.

Raven: We cannot. You hurt my best friend so now you are on my shit list.

Diggy; You don’t mean that.

Raven: Oh but I do. You better be glad I’m not from the ghetto or I would have pulled out my na na and shot you pow pow.

Roc: Babe did you just quote Tyler the creator?

Raven: Yes. Yes I did. I’m going to check on her. I’ll be back.

Prod: (Gets up before Raven) No I’ll do it. I was going downstairs anyway.

Prince: (Quietly t himself) Of course you were.

Prod: Prince did you say something?

Prince: Naw, I was just reading this tweet.

Ray: But your phone isn’t on.

Prince: It’s on just not the way you see it! (Gets up and walks into his room)

Prod: Well I’m going to go before things get weirder in here.

~ At Taylor’s Room Door~

** Knock Knock**

Taylor: Who is it?

Prod: Prod

Taylor: Oh hey Prod. What’s up?

Prod: I was going out and I wonder if you wanted to go with me.

Taylor: Yeah. Let me go grab my purse.

~Walking in the streets of NY~

Taylor: SO where too?

Prod: I was thinking Coney Island.

Taylor: I have always wanted to go there. We can walk on the boardwalk. Come on! (Grabs Prod’s arm and gets in a cab.)

~On the boardwalk~

Taylor: So you have never had cotton candy?

Prod: Nope. When I was a kid I was afraid of it because I thought it was made of spider webs.

Taylor: Are you still afraid of it?

Prod: No! I’m a big boy.

Taylor: Good. (Takes a piece of cotton candy, smashes it in his face, and runs ahead of him.)

Prod: So you want to play? (Runs after her)

Taylor: You are so slow. You can even catch (Slips on spilled water.)

Prod: (Catches her before she falls) You were saying?

Taylor: Why does this always happen?

Prod: Because your butt is so clumsy.

Taylor: You love me butt.

Prod: (Looks deep into her eyes)I do.

??: Prod! Is that you?

Taylor & Prod turn around to see a girl running in their direction. When she reaches Prod she pulls him into a kiss.

Prod: Felicia. What are you doing here?

Felicia: I’m staying with my aunt for a while. I’ve missed you Baby.

Taylor: (Clears throat.)

Felicia: Prod who is this? (Giving Taylor a stank look.)

Prod: She is GCO

Taylor: I’m just His friend. NOTHING more. I was just leaving. Bye Prodigy. Bye Felicia.(Walks away to find a cab to take her back to the hotel.)

Prod: (Thinks to himself) DAME!

It Started With The Meet N Greet ( A Mindless Behavior Story) ~ COMPLETED~Where stories live. Discover now