To the Edge and Back: Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"We're going on a run," I tell Haven. She been sleeping for two days straight when she began to stir. She slowly arose from the bed and gathers her weapons. We head down the stairs and into the dining room to discuss the details of the food run we were about to endeavor.

"Who's all going on this run?" Tony asks. Alex and Dylan volunteer. Three other survivors who aren't a part of the original group volunteer to go. Their names are Charlie, Zeke, and Cho. I volunteer and so does Keaton. "I'll go too," Haven says, "I haven't kicked any ass in a couple of days so why not?" She throws a sly smile my way.

We walk into the backyard and toward the garage where the ATVs are stored. Five four-wheelers are being readied for us when we arrive. We all pair up. Alex and Dylan hop onto one together. Dylan takes the back seat.

The person in the back is considered the protector. The protector is supposed to keep the ATV safe while navigating through hostile territory. Charlie and Zeke pair up. Keaton climbs on the back of the ATV that Cho is driving. I take the drivers position on the ATV farthest from the front of the pack. Haven takes the protector spot. I inform her about her role in our pair. Tony takes point as he starts up the front four-wheeler alone.

"I need to tell you something before we go," Haven says as I start the vehicle. "What is it?" I ask. "When I was out there all by myself, I met people. Dangerous people. People who would want to kill you just for the fun of it. I heard rumors from some of the friendlys out there that there's a huge group out in the stix. An incredibly vile group with military grade weapons. Last I heard, they numbered over 500."

After I hear her statement, we follow the others toward the gate. A survivor named Kent opens the gate for us. We drive out onto the highway. Not many biters are around today.

We head toward the small town near the farm. It takes us about forty-five minutes to get there. Everyone is silent the entire way. We're all on high alert. We stop at the super store in the center of the town. We head into the store. Cho and Keaton stay behind to watch the vehicles.

Tony leads the way. "Everybody split up and search for food. Remember to stay in pairs and for god's sake be careful," Tony quietly advises us. Haven and I head toward the Deli to look for anything to eat.

I look behind the counter and feel around for anything I can find. I find some canned meat. I walk over to Haven. She's found some pieces of packaged ham in the kitchen. She hands it to me and I place it in my bag.

I look over Haven's shoulder and notice a small glimmer of light. It's the reflection of a gun scope! "Get down!" I yell. Haven and I rush behind the counter of the Deli. A shot is fired in our direction.

"Tony! We need help!" I shout. Alex and Dylan run over to where we are. Another shot is fired. Alex pulls out his bow and notches an arrow. He sticks his hand out from behind the counter and quickly pulls it back down. A shot is fired right where his hand was. Alex rises from cover and shoots an arrow toward the place where the bullet came from. A scream is heard.

Haven pulls out an assault rifle. She hands me a rifle as well. More shots are heard from another part of the store. We all rush toward the gunshots. I hang back for a second to put my gauntlets on.

When we get there Tony, Zeke, and Charlie are pinned down in the clothing department. I see a man shooting at them with an sub-machine gun. I aim at his chest and fire. He goes down in a pool of blood.

"We're leaving!" Tony shouts. We all begin to run toward the ATVs. Keaton and Cho are already on theirs. I jump onto the machine and start the engine. We all take off toward the farm.

I look back for a second and see two armed men following us on four-wheelers. One shoots at Haven. She turns and fires at him. Several bullets pierce the man's head. The ATV swerves off the road and into the woods. The other man slams down on the hand brake and turns around.

We get back to the farm and dismount from the vehicles. Tony tells everyone around us about the attack. Haven and I climb on top of the wall and prepare for a fight. I fear that it may be the group Haven mentioned.

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