To the Edge and Back: Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

A month goes by. We keep wandering down the highway. I don't know where we're going and I hope those guys aren't still hunting us down.

The weather becomes warmer. The sun begins to beat down on the earth. The trees start grow green and healthy again. The days are now longer and survival has become easier. Biters seem to stay out of the sun most of the time. Thank God for that.

"Where are we even going?" Taylor complains. "No idea," I respond. Zach piques in, "I know where I'm going. The coast. That's where we should all head. I have a feeling that its safer there."

"Do you even know which way the coast is?" I ask him. "Nope. I'm just hoping that when we reach the interstate, we can find a map," he says. "Sounds like a plan," I tell him.

Haven is staring off into the distance as we're walking down the highway. "Everything all right?" I ask her. "Just thinking....about my family."

I would take her hand in my own but I have the gauntlets on. I realize that I've been wearing them for over a week. I feel safer with them on.

My guide has been quiet for a while. The voice in my head hasn't said a word since the night at the gas station. I don't know what's wrong with me. First I'm evil, then I start hearing voices in my head and I go crazy. What is happening to me?

"We need to find a place to hole up for the night or I'm gonna pass out. This sun is killing me," Zach tells us. We walk for another hour before a house appears in the distance. We begin to make for the house. "I'll go first to see if its clear," I say.

I start to jog toward the double-wide trailer. I crouch down and begin to slowly make for the front door. I sneak into the living room. I see a three sleeping bags lying on the floor. My heart pounds against my chest. I go to hide but a man walks through the back door before I can.

He walks in wearing a brown leather jacket. He has dark brown greased back hair with a thin beard and mustache. His dark brown eyes stare me down for a second. He reaches for his machete as I lunge at him. His blade meets my claws. I push his machete down to the floor. I swing my right gauntlet at his face. He ducks my attack and throws a punch at my gut. I stagger back for a second. I look up just in time to see his blade coming for my face. I bring up my left claw and grab the blade. I take it from his hand and throw it across the room. I slice at him but he dodges all of my swipes. When I miss another attack and he ducks down again, I bring my knee into his jaw.

He falls back onto the floor and get on top of him. "Kill him!" the voice says inside my head. I listen to it. I bring down my gauntlets into the mans throat. The body lays on the floor, limp and dead. A pool of blood begins to form around him.

The other two men rush into the house, machetes out and ready. I won't be able to take them both on. This is the end I guess. They rush at me with their blades raised. I await death.

A bullet pierces both of their heads. They fall to the floor beside the other man. I turn to see Zach and Taylor holding up their guns. They had saved me. "You were taking too long," Zach says, "I guess the house is clear now."

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