To the Edge and Back: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I had to do it. He would have killed me if I hadn't. I have to keep telling myself this or I'll go insane.

After it it was done I walk back into my house. My mother had gone to work before I woke up. There was a note on the table that I had missed earlier. It read "NATHAN, BEFORE YOU LEAVE FOR SCHOOL CHECK ON YOUR UNCLE MARK. I DON'T THINK HE WAS FEELING TOO WELL YESTERDAY AND I'M WORRIED ABOUT HIM." Well that's not gonna happen.

Not knowing what else to do I turn on the television. My mom had left it on the news. There are reports on the T.V. that speak of widespread disease that is affecting a big area of the eastern side of America.

Live footage starts to play. I see people with crazed looks in their eyes. I see others being ripped apart by the monsters. It frightens me to watch this horror. I have to get out of this house.

I gather up some food and medicine to put in my backpack. I also grab my moms handgun from her dresser just in case I run into trouble along the way. I begin to head out to my car, or at least it will be when I turn sixteen, when my cell phone rings. It's my mother.

She starts rambling on about how I need to get to a safe place and how I'm not safe at our house. When she hangs up I continue to the car. I knew exactly where to go. The only safe place I could think of was Zach's farm.

I get in the car and put the key into the ignition. I put it in reverse. As I start to back out of the driveway I notice several figures by the road. It was more of those things.

I go into reverse at full speed and ram into the creatures. I quickly put the car in drive and speed away from my home. The road seemed to be littered with those undead monsters. I reach the highway to an even bigger horde of the undead. I was almost there though so I drive right through them. The undead really slowed me down. What should have taken twenty minutes took me three hours. Finally I see Zach's house on the horizon. I also see a massive horde of those monsters too. This is gonna be hell.

To the Edge and BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora