To the Edge and Back: Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

A figure starts to climb out I the backseat. I stop worrying when I realize that it's my friend Keaton Griffin and his family. "Stop pointing those guns at my face you morons!" We slowly lower our weapons. At this time Keaton's dad, Tony, gets out of the drivers seat. He's holding a handgun. Keaton's mother, Tusha, gets out of the passengers side.

"We had to go through hell to get here," Keaton whispers to us as we walk back inside the house. I notice that Keaton is carrying his replica katana on his back. "You might need to sharpen that thing," Zach tells Keaton. He pulls it out of the sheath and examines it. "You're probably right," Keaton replied.

Tony walks inside and begins to converse with Barbara. "What has happened to people today?" Tony begins. "They've all gone insane!" Barbara replied, "They aren't insane, they're flesh eating monsters." She had a solemn look on her face.

As I sit and listen to this conversation, I begin to wonder about Haven. Haven is my girlfriend if you were wondering. I didn't have time to worry about her earlier. All had to worry about then was survival. I pull out a picture of her from my bag. I look at her light blonde hair and her beautiful green eyes. I only stand an inch taller than her at 5'5.

Zach notices two more cars pulling into the driveway. He and I go back outside with my hangun and his rifle. It was my mother in the first car. Another one of my friends, Taylor Havard, is in the second car with his parents and their dog. My mother, Clara Turner, runs to hug me.

"I was so worried about you!" She says. She begins to ramble on about what she thought about all to this but I barely listen. I notice something coming out of the woods behind Taylor. Zach acts before I can even move.

"Move Taylor!" He yells. He grabs a hatchet off of the railing on the porch. He throws it with amazing accuracy. It lands right in between the eyes of the undead creature. "We need to get inside now," Jonny, Taylor's dad, says. We all begin to walk inside.

The large group of people sit at Barbara's dining room table. "We need to discuss what we're gonna do about this," Tony starts. "What can we do?" Amy, Taylor's mother, replies. "We survive," Zach says. "We need to take stock of all of our food, medicine, and weapons," Zach continues. "Zach is right," Keaton says. "Between my mom and I, we've got three rifles, two shotguns, a revolver, a crossbow, a recurve bow, a machete, plenty of knives, and plenty of ammo," Zach explains. The rest of us show our weapons. Three handguns and a katana.

We then took inventory of our food and medicine. We have plenty of both. It was decided as a group that our medicine would be locked in Barbara's safe located in her room. After a week or so we began to make a perimeter. A fence is being built as I sweep the the area for biters. I hold the recurve bow in hand with an arrow notched and ready. My mom's handgun is in a holster Zach found two days ago.

I hear a noise by the treeline and I go to investigate it. As I near the forest, I see a reflection from a blade. Before I knew what was happening, a man jumps out of the bushes and points an assault rifle at my chest. I immediately pull back the string of the bow and aim it right between his eyes.

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