To the Edge and Back: Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Let me take a minute to tell you about Zach. He is the definition of a redneck. He hunts, loves country music, and loves trucks. He has dark brown hair with dark brown eyes. He's about five foot seven. The most important detail about him is his prostetic leg. On his right leg he must wear a fake foot so that he make walk easier. This is not a disadvantage except when he has to run. He is an excellent swimmer and could best me at kind of combat. Also he's apparently good at killing people who are undead because that's what I found him doing.

I hop out I the car and begin to run toward Zach's two story home. The undead are all over his yard. I notice Zach is on his balcony with a rifle in his hands. He's shooting the creatures in his yard. Has I get closer he starts shouting at me.

"Nathan, get up here and grab a rifle before you get ripped to shreds!" I waste no time in reaching the ladder located next to the balcony. As I begin to climb the monsters start to grab at my feet. I pull out my mom's gun and begin to fire randomly below me. I manage to kill the one that has a hold on my ankle.

I reach the top of the ladder and climb over the railing of the balcony. "What took you so long?" Zach asked with a smirk on his face. "Oh you know, just trying not get killed," I calmly replied. I scoop up a rifle from where Zach is standing. I've never shot a rifle before. I aim down the sights of the scope onto a biter's chest. I fire a round but I doesn't seem to affect the thing at all.

"These things won't go down with a shot like that," Zach said, "I've been at this all day and they only seem to go down with a headshot or enough damage to the body but we don't have the firepower for that." I bring the scope back to my eye and I aim carefully. I put the sights right between one of those things eyes and I pull the trigger. It's head explodes all over the grass. It doesn't phase me very much though and I continue firing on the undead.

When the yard is clear I turn to Zach with look of astonishment. "I can't believe we got all of them," I say. I thought then occurs to me. "Where's your mom Zach?" "She's out back handling the infected there."

We climb onto the roof to go around to the backyard. I see Zach's mother Barbara roaming around the yard with shotgun in her hand and cigarette in her mouth. She was blowing away the creatures like it was nothing. When she finished her work she turns to face us.

"Zach, is the front yard clear yet?" She shouted. "Yes ma'am," he responded. Zach and I walk back around to the balcony. We climb down the ladder and walk into the house.

Before we can even sit down though, I hear a car start to pull up to the house. A blue nissan comes into the driveway. Zach and I rush out onto the porch. We draw our guns and ready ourselves for whoever is gonna step out.

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