To the Edge and Back: Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The concrete floor of my cell is cold. The room is damp and dark. My bonds are aching against my wrists. I have to get out of here. I have to plan my escape carefully though. I begin to pick at the wall behind me. A shard falls off of the concrete. It's sharp. A man comes down to feed me. I wait patiently for the right moment. He walks right to where I'm sitting. Only one hand is tied to the wall. I bring the shard to his neck when he bends down to give me the food. He looks shocked. I grab his head in my unbound hand and smash it against the wall. I quickly search him for a knife. I grab his switchblade and start hacking at my bonds. When I'm free I make sure the guys alive and I take his gun. I slowly walk up the stairs and peer ou into the yard. That's when I see him. The man that now haunts my nightmares. I see him walk into the woods. I take the chance and rush after him. Before he knows what's going on I have a gun to his head.

Dereck is standing behind me with a pistol to my head. I have no idea what to do. I have to think fast. If I don't, I die.

It feels as if the world goes in slow motion as I turn and punch Dereck in his ribs. At the same time I raise up his hand holding the gun. I throw a punch to his face. He brings his knee into my thigh and brings me down to a kneel. Dereck then proceeds to punch me in the jaw. I grab a stick from the ground and hit Dereck's leg. I stand up and swipe the branch across his face.

I grab him by the collar and hit him in the nose with my elbow. I then drag him across the backyard and then the frontyard. I hear questions and protests from other survivors around me. I ignore them. I head straight for the side of the wall facing down the highway.

I climb onto the top of the wall and look at the road. There are many undead on the outside of the sanctuary. I pull Dereck to the edge. He looks terrified as I hold him over the horde. I push him off. He falls right in the middle of them.

He kicks and punches his way through the horde though. Dereck runs into the woods. I almost chase after him but decide against it. He surely won't survive the outside world.

I look pass the horde to see a figure approaching from the distance. A blonde headed girl is cutting through the biters like they're nothing. She's soon at the front gate of the wall. It's Haven. She's holding two twin swords in her hands. Several guns are in a bag on her back. I see Molotovs sticking out of a separate bag. She looks up at me and smiles. The blackened part of my heart slowly starts to fade.

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