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Tegan's P.O.V
November 2013


"Tegan!" Harry bursts into my hotel room.

We're just gotten to Tokyo, which has been brilliant.

"What's wrong, Harry?" I notice his frown.

"There's another article."

This year, Harry has consistently had awful press written about him. Subjecting him to being a "bad boy" or "womanizer", speculating his friendships with females and questioning his sexuality.

"Awe, Harry." I stand up on my bed, opening my arms

He walks over and I wrap my arms around his neck. Using the bed as a footstool, gives me much advantage. Harry leans his head against my chest.

"Can I paint your nails?"

"Of course!"

Harry and I spend the rest of the evening in my hotel room, he paints my nails a nice variety of fall colours. We watch a comedy to brighten his spirits.

"Harry, we can do something else, if you'd like." I offer.

My nails are dry and I don't want him to feel too coped up in my ole room.

"No, I like this." He assures me.

"Are you sure? We could go ride the lobby carts or ride mattresses down the stairs."

"No, no don't be silly." He ruffles my hair. "We've got to rest, massive show tomorrow."


"Are you sad it's the last show?" Pen rubs a sponge across my face before applying any makeup.

"Course, I've been having loads of fun. I miss London though." I admit.

Tonight is the last concert of One Direction's Take Me Home Tour. Olly Murs has accompanied us as their opening act. The fans have been going ballistic about their friendship.

I'm wearing black corduroy trousers and a blank satin tank top, with a brown belt.

"Penny, Tegan!" Liam greets us.

Penny. Penny.

"Hi Liam!" Penelope replies, a grin on her face.

"Love the fit, T." Liam compliments.

"Thanks, Romeo and I are colour coordinating."

Liam and Penelope glance at each, smirking.


"I don't mean to pry, Miss Swallows, but aren't you going going to miss Mr. Fitzroy a rather load?" Pen inquires.

I wish I could cover my cheeks with my hands to hide embarrassment.

"Uh," I begin.

They both laugh.

"You've grown a bit fond I've noticed. No more bickering in the hotels or on the bus." Liam points out.

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