Hey mr. prick ~19~

Start from the beginning

I looked at Xavier confused but he just put a finger on his lips, mouthing ‘be quiet’. I kept my mouth shut and followed him obediently. Xavier looked to the left checking the hallway and then to the right seeing if someone was there.

He opened the door and ushered me in. I stood there dumbstruck, for a moment, before snapping out of it and following him in. When Xavier closed the door I glared and hit his arm. He hissed surprise more than pain and looked at me as if I was crazy. I personally thought I was going crazy.

“What was that for?” He cried and I put my hands on my hips still glaring. How can a company have a ‘do not enter’ area? Was it a secret agency area or what?

Oh right, its Xavier we are talking about. He can do anything, I mentally rolled my eyes before getting back to the matter at hand.

“Why are we here?” I hissed as he rubbed his arm but quickly smiled smugly.

“We are on our way to the roof.” He said his smug smile curved into a more secret one and my eyes widened. The roof?

“Ha-ha. You’re not serious are you? The roof?” I asked him nervously and he chuckled. Why would we be on our way to the roof? 

“Yup.” He popped the ‘p’, grabbing my hand and dragging me up the dimly lit stairs. “Got a problem with that?” He looked at me, enjoying my discomfort. I narrowed my eyes, now suspicious. What does he know?

He looked away noticing my stare and walked forward. After a zillion of steps on the stairs later, we reached a door which I guess was the roof. By now my legs felt like jelly. I was seriously about to collapse.

Xavier opened the door and stepped aside allowing me to enter. I walked through the door and gasped at the scenery. You could see the entire city from here. Buildings everywhere, even the sea. It sparkled with the sun reflecting on it and the waves were gentle and calm. There was hardly any wind and all in all, it was a peaceful view.

Xavier started walking forward with me behind and I saw a figure standing at the end of the roof. I looked closer but couldn’t see them properly.

We were now getting closer to the end of the roof and I saw a man with dirty blond hair. He was really tall, standing with his back facing us and enjoying the view in front of him. When he heard us he turned around and I saw none other than…Shane.

Wait, Shane works here? When he saw us he smiled and stepped closer. Shane hugged Xavier in the manly way where you put your fists together and pat each other or something on the back. Xavier hugged him back in the same way.

Shane pulled back and gave me a hug which I returned wholeheartedly. I pulled back and smiled at Shane.

“What are you doing here?” I asked curiously, though I had an idea and he chuckled.

“Well, Miss Rose the company is signed in mine and Xavier’s name so I have to come here once in a while to see what’s going on and how things work.” He explained and I nodded already expecting that answer.

Hey Mr.Prick. It's NOT a pleasure to meet you!Where stories live. Discover now