Chapter 1

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Graces POV
     The last week of summer sucks. I only have five more days until I have to start back up seventh grade. That means no more hanging out with Aubree, no more going to the beach, no more riding down the streets on my penny board, and no more time to myself to play piano, play guitar, and sing. I strum the strings of my guitar. I love music so much. I love to sing and play the guitar, piano, ukulele, and saxophone (that's what I play for school). I'm in band and choir at my school, but I'm not in the school musical. I'm way to shy for that. My only friends are Aubree and Hunter, and that's how it has been forever. Me and Aubree met last year when I went to middle school, but I've known Hunter since I was a baby. Our families are super close because of our friendship. I put my guitar back in its case, and stare out the window at the clouds. The sky looks so pretty, I wish I could stare at it forever. I continue to look at the clouds, until I feel someone jump on top of me. I scream and jump up, surprised. I turn my head to see Hunter laughing his ass off.
"Hunter! You scared me!" I say, playfully pushing him.
"That was my goal!" He says, still laughing. I look out the window again, but then I turn around and see Hunter waving his eyebrows up and down.
"What?!" I say.
"I know you were staring at Jacobs window. I know you were don't lie to me you know you were and I know you were too!" He says. Ugh, Jacob Sartorius. The guy who makes my heart melt. The guy who makes my cheeks go red. The guy who gives me that tingly feeling that is unexplainable. I've liked Jacob since kindergarten, but I've never really gotten the nerve to talk to him. I mean yeah, we have had small talk but that was like for school related things. The only guy I can talk to without blushing is Hunter. If I see any cute guy, especially Jacob, then I blush a lot, and also my eyes turn really bright blue. I don't know why, but it just happens.
"I wasn't staring at his house I swear!" I say. Sometimes I do look at his window... not in like a stalkerish way though! We have bedroom windows facing each other, so I can always see his room from my room.
"Yeah right. Grace likes Ja-" Hunter starts to chant, but I cover my hand over his mouth. He licks my hand, and I immediately remove my hand.
"Ew!" I squeal, and he laughs at me.
"Wanna go get some ice cream or something?" Hunter asks me, and I nod. I get my mint green penny board, and Hunter grabs his skateboard. Me only being 4'9, I was pretty short for a 13 year old. Hunter is like a billion times taller than me, so he takes off leaving me still on my driveway.
"Wait up!" I call. I try and catch up, but it's no use. Once I get to the ice cream place, Hunter is already in there, waiting for me.
"Took you long enough." He says with a smirk.
"Haha very funny. Now let's get some ice cream!" I say excitedly. He orders vanilla and chocolate swirl and I order mint chocolate chip. We walk out and start eating our delicious treats. I start walking, staring into space, when I get tripped! I hear Hunter laughing, and I look up to see the guy of my dreams looking down at me. Oh my God. I'm going to kill Hunter.
"Uh sorry." I say, and get up. I grab my penny board and skate away. I dropped my ice cream but I don't care. Hunter just embarrassed me in front of Jacob, and all I wanna do is punch Hunter in the face. He knows I get shy around guys, especially Jacob! And then he just had to trip me right in front of him.
"Grace, wait up!" He says. I look back and I quickly see Jacob racing towards me. I try and swerve to my right so I land on the grass, but he had the same idea. I squeeze my eyes shut as I land on the grass. I feel someone land on top of me, so I peek my eyes open.
"So we meet again." Jacob says with a cute smile. His pearly whites glisten in the sun.
"Um... Yep!" I say and quickly get off. I jump on my penny board and dash off. If Hunter thought he was in trouble before, he has another thing coming.

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