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??? POV:

I flew quickly thru the forest, Hoping to not get caught, I had been chased by Team Rocket, The evilest villain team ever...I looked behind Myself to see if I was still being chased, "Whew...Finally..." I stopped flying and went to the ground. "At last...I'm not being chased anymore..." I said to Myself.

Aqua POV:

I disobeyed all of Mudkip's orders, Battle Or Not Battle. After, What Mudkip did...
Both, Umbreon & I, Were afraid of Mudkip. But, For some reason Mudkip had an weird type of pin which I had never seen before...Maybe she just went to a store or something...? Umbreon & I both stopped.
"Where did Mudkip Go...?" Umbreon said frightened. "I don't know..." I shivered.
We were abandoned. The wind started to blow. Umbreon & I both ran into a bush.

"What's going on..?!" Umbreon Scream-Whispered.
"I don't know..." I stood there confused & scared at the same time...I leaned against the tree behind Me
"AGH!" I screamed falling "AQUA! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Screamed Umbreon.

Umbreon POV:

I went down the hole quickly to find Aqua "Aqua?" I then spotted a little hurt creature, "Help Me..." It cried.
"What's you're name?" I asked putting My paw on it. When I saw My paw a dark memory came back,
Which no one may ever learn... "Celbei..." It cried. "You're name is Celbei...?" I asked.
(I wrote it wrong, Right)? "Yeah!" It answered nodding. "What are you even doing here?" It asked.
"Well, you see..."

Aqua POV:

I was abandoned...But still, Why would Umbreon abandon Me...? "Umbreon? Where are you?!"
"I'm over hear!" I heard an voice echo, IT WAS UMBREON! I ran up to Umbreon quickly,
"I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE!" I screamed with tears of Joy rushing down my face.
Until...Umbreon disappeared into thin air...Then a body of someone I remembered from somewhere appeared...
"Welcome Aqua..." Chuckled the lady.

Umbreon POV:

I told Celbei everything that had happened, "I'm sorry. But there is nothing I can do." Answered Celbei.
"Oh OK..." I walked away crying, Until... "Umbreon! Wait! It's Me! Aqua!" Said a familiar voice...
I turned back to see who it was... "A-Aqua...?"

Aqua POV:

"W-who are you?! Do I know you?!" I fell to the ground. "Oh Aqua, Don't play dumb." Said the voice again.
Umbreon came out of nowhere. "UMBREON!" I ran up to Umbreon. But, Than I fell to the ground...

I woke in a hotel...I looked around, Than I saw Umbreon.
"Aqua, Something really bad is coming..."
"I know." I replied to Umbreon frowning.

It Happened Over Night {Pokemon} {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now