"I never thought about that," she replied. "But what if he says no?"

Lexi and I both laughed. "Em, there's no way he'd say no," I said.

She still looked doubtful, so I sighed and took out my phone. "Look, if you don't believe me, I'll ask Cole."

I turned on my phone and started typing out a message to him.

to: Cole

don't tell jaden i asked you this, but do you know if he's planning on asking emma to homecoming soon?

Almost immediately I got a response:

from: Cole

not sure. i know he likes her but he hasn't said anything about homecoming

I couldn't help smiling. It was pretty obvious Jaden liked Emma, but Cole confirming it just made me even happier for her.

to: Cole

ok, well if he doesn't ask her soon i think emma's going to ask him. you're sure he'll say yes?

from: Cole


I smiled and turned off my phone, putting it back in my pocket. "Trust me, he won't say no."

Emma smiled gratefully at me and went back to eating her salad. I turned to Lexi. "So, Lex, what about Braden?"

She blushed and looked away. "What about him?"

"Come on, you know what I'm talking about. We all know you like him."

"Okay, fine. Yes, I like him. But he probably doesn't like me back," she said, shrugging.

"You don't know that. He could be head over heels for you, for all you know," I replied with a smile.

She rolled her eyes, but I could tell she was blushing. "Yeah, sure."

Fifteen minutes later, we were done eating and went back to shopping. In the fifth store we went to, Lexi finally found a dress she liked: a dark purple high-necked dress with a beaded top and a pleated skirt.

 In the fifth store we went to, Lexi finally found a dress she liked: a dark purple high-necked dress with a beaded top and a pleated skirt

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Emma and I both loved it, so she bought it, along with matching shoes and jewelry. Then, since Emma and Lexi were determined to find me the perfect dress, they dragged me to at least five more stores (I had lost count at that point). I would have been fine with any of the other twenty dresses they'd made me try on, but they insisted none of them were "the one."

As we entered the last store, we immediately went towards the dress racks, and started looking through them. It was pretty overwhelming; most of the dresses I either didn't like or were way out of my price range.

And then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of white at the back of the store. I walked over to it and took it off the rack, holding it up in the air. It was beautiful, with lace and beading on the top and a flowy skirt.  

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