Chapter 8: The Untalkative Bunny

Start from the beginning

Jimin smiles back. "You can breathe now." He says then winks.

(A/N If you want you can listen to 24/7 = Heaven by BTS starting here ()

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Inhaling the good vibes from Jimin and exhaling every single thing that was bothering me today. When I open my eyes, Jimin bursts out laughing.

"Aren't you even wondering where we're going?" He mockingly asks me.

"Nope. Where?" "You're going to be staying with us at the hotel. With your friend, Elsa."

He casually says as he drives with expertise. Then suddenly looks at me and smiles at me at the mirror. This gave me a mini to severe heart attack.

Recovering, I pat my heart and say, "Micah, stay strong. Live longer. Oooh my poor hearteu. Breathe in, breathe out. Remember; do not let your ultimate bias be wrecked. You can do this."

"Micheoseo? (Are you crazy?)" He asks while laughing so hard. I didn't care if he just witnessed me fan girling.

"No, I'm not." I huff and fold my arms, looking away. I catch a glimpse of Jungkook 'enjoying' his music. He's now sleeping by the way. Still ignoring your surroundings, eh?

Jimin doesn't reply to me. Maybe he thinks I'm mad at him for laughing at me.

"I was just kidding. Please don't be mad Jimin-shi. Sorry for being a fan girl." I apologize.

"I'm kidding too." He turns his head then makes faces at me.

Ommo. Jimin has tricked meeeeeee!

"You got no jams." I say with a straight face.

He doesn't react quickly. Oh no, have I offended him?

After a moment, he gives me a cute pout and we laugh spontaneously. I felt relief.

"Kamsahamnida Jimin-shi." I shyly say.

"Wae? Wow, you speak Korean?" Jimin is amazed.

"No. I just know a few words. Anyway, thank you for making me feel comfortable." I say.

He then replies with, "Really? Oh, you're welcome!"

He's such a cutie. I want to squish him right now. Eeeeeep.

Those fluffy cheeks and eyeless smile make it harder to resist cuddling him.
Pigilan mo sarili mo, Micah! (You have to control yourself, Micah!)

But when he turns to face me again smiling, my mouth blurted out on its own.

"Oppa, stop being so cute please? It's dangerous. Focus on driving."

WHAT. You. Just. Called. Him. Jimin. Oppa.

I notice him blushing. "Sorry. I meant Jimin-shi." I smile sheepishly.

His reply leaves me blank.

"Aniyo. Just call me 'Oppa'."


Being the one in charge for the charms of the group, I was not prepared to say those 5 words.

"Aniyo. Just call me 'Oppa'."
"Aniyo. Just call me 'Oppa'."
"Aniyo. Just call me 'Oppa'."

I'm going to go crazy. If the other guys heard this they all are gonna be like who are you. And she is going to think that I'm such a flatterer. I was being serious though. And now I am aware of my head turning into a huge tomato. Might as well stay quiet.

"Okay.. oppa." She shoots me with a cheeky smile.

I see that she has been blushing too.
Are all girls this cute up close?

I clear my throat before speaking up again, "So Micah. What are your hobbies?"

Is it wrong for me to want to know more about her?

"Uhm." She looks restless for a moment there. But I soon realize that shit's about to get real.


"I have a lot going on." Micah replies. Jimin didn't get what she meant and just patiently waited for her to explain.

Micah finds herself opening up about herself - her likes, her dislikes, what she knew, what she didn't know, what she her family wanted for her and what she dreamt for herself. The boy driving need not ask her because it was natural for her to trust people.

Following her lead, Jimin returned her trust by letting her know him better. He didn't bother talking about the basics. He knew she was a passionate ARMY. He shared his moments of triumph, times of hardship and he let her take a peek on;
who he really was, beneath the fame and all.

The two were more compatible than they thought. Jimin and Micah talked about a gazillion other things. Language wasn't a barrier. They simply understood each other.

Laughter after laughter, they even forgot Jungkook was with them. But of course, with the conversation going on and on, together with the undying laughter; Micah felt her eyes getting heavy.

Jimin was still storytelling, "Then because of that Taehyung.." He pauses to take a look at Micah at the backseat. He laughs, "Aaah, jinjja."

Micah has fallen asleep with a smile on her face.

The remaining duration of the drive was peaceful. Jimin continued to drive as he had before. The only difference was from time to time, he smiled for no reason. You could say that he has caught some craziness from Micah. He even had the energy to play music, tapping on the steering wheel with the beat. Well at least someone was in good spirits.

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