Taekwoon's eyes narrowed as he watched his classmate up on stage, feeling the competitiveness lit inside of him. Suddenly, in the middle of Ken's high note, he felt Hakyeon lean in towards him a bit.

"He's really good, right?", Hakyeon whispered near Taekwoon's ear.

"He's getting too excited...", Taekwoon whispered back, unable to admit his nervosity.

Ken was really good of course, but if he admitted it then it would be like welcoming all the unsure feelings. For now, he had to believe that he was the best.

"Oh, really?", Hakyeon mumbled and drew back to his own seat, "I think he's good though..."

The soon principal went up on stage again and that's when Hakyeon leaned in a second time.

"You're not nervous?", he whispered.

"We're after the break so we won't be on in a while.", Taekwoon simply answered.


The next student came up on scene and got help from the teachers to set up her keyboard. The lights in the local changed to a darker purple as the first calm tones were heard.

"Taekwoon...", Hakyeon whispered and this time, he nudged his partners arm just slightly.

Taekwoon sighed, "What is it now?"

"You look really good today."

Taekwoon blushed and Hakyeon grinned brightly until he got his face pushed back with Taekwoon's free hand... The other hand had already searched itself to Hakyeon's, sneakily below, away from all eyes.

"Be quiet.", Taekwoon mumbled, "What if someone hears you..."

Hakyeon smiled and squeezed Taekwoon's hand softly, "With this, I'll stop."

With his eyes directed forwards, surrounded by music, he studied the stage.

I can do it.

A few numbers afterwards, the lights in the local went on and the chattering of  the people begun. Everywhere, they spoke about who they thought had been the best, which student that had given them goose-bumps or which student that hadn't lived up to their expectations. Hakyeon noticed with a relieved heart how Ken seemed to get a lot of positive attention directed towards him.

Taekwoon stood up and glanced around in the local, trying to find his parents. They must have arrived later as he spotted them in the other side of the room. He tapped Hakyeon's shoulder briefly.

"I'll see you backstage in ten minutes or so, i'm going to speak to my parents.", He said and Hakyeon nodded in understanding.

"I'll warm up."

Hakyeon left his seat and went out of the local. You had to go around if you wanted to go behind the scene to the dressing rooms and green room the correct way. In the corridors, as expected, eyes turned to him. An upperclassman Hakyeon had seen a few times in lunch hours patted his shoulder as he walked past.

"Do well, Hakyeon-ah!", he greeted and Hakyeon bowed politely back.

Next was a girl that was in his own class.

Your Lies, VIXX Neo fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora