2. Do yourself a favor

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Warning, there's a mild amount of smut in this chapter.


Hakyeon felt rather uncomfortable in the new seat that the teacher had assigned him and he had his own theory to why; Those glaring eyes that had catched his attention from the first moment... the guy they belonged to now sat in the seat directly behind his.

In the meantime, rumors regarding Hakyeon floated around in the classroom.

"He must be really good at dancing!"

"Well, i guess he does have some muscle..."

"He's handsome. I wonder if he's single?"

"I wonder if he can beat Jung Taekwoon in the practical exam in a week..."

"No way. Taekwoon always ranks as number 1!"

"But if he's the god of dancing..."

Hakeyon could feel the feelings of guilt and panic build inside of him, it was all a lie after all. A lie that he had no possibility of living up to.

He took a deep breath of relief when he finally heard the teacher declare that the class was over. On her way out, she handed Hakyeon a pamphlet regarding the upcoming practical exam and told him to read it through carefully.

Taekwoon who also had snapped up most of the rumors passing around during class, studied the backview of the new transfer student quietly.

Cha Hakyeon. His neck looked slim and quite boyish, his hands were elegant as they held the pamphlet neatly in front of him and his arms looked well toned with his shirt rolled up to just below the elbows. He was definitely attractive but just as before... There was something more.

A mysterious feeling Takewoon just couldn't put his finger on.

The rumors flashed through his mind briefly. The practical exam... He felt nervous, like always when thinking about it, because he knew that just like all the other times... he had to rank first.

The god of dancing...

Shit, it really was bothering him.

"The school's proud practical exams that occur twice a year. It is a big happening where the students showcase their talents in art, singing and dancing. The two last mentioned are usually hand in hand and shown together.

The students will individually or with a partner prepare a performance showing their talents on a date chosen by the school. In preparation to this, all art classes two weeks before are cancelled so the students can fully focus on their own number/work.

The students will be ranked by chosen teachers and judges and the results will be published on the school's website for both other students as well as agencies and scouts to see.

Good luck."

Hakyeon put down the pamphlet on the table when he was done and bit his bottom lip slightly in nervousity, feeling troubled by the situation. Showcase? That meant that he would have to dance in front of the whole school...

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