3. Don't do yourself a favor

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Hakyeon sat up in the bed and started to put on his clothes. He drew his hand through his hair and glanced Wonshik's way for a second.

"...I didn't tell you so that you could be concerned about it. I don't think we're in that kind of relationship, are we?", Hakyeon asked him in a cold tone and stood up.

Wonshik sat up in the bed as well and glanced down on his hands for a moment. The hands that just a few minutes ago had been allowed to travel all over Hakyeon's body... The hands that his loved one's body had been craving...

Let's not ruin this...

"I guess you're right.", Wonshik said and chuckled slightly in a try to keep the mood up.

His clothes suddenly got thrown at him, he catched them and looked up at Hakyeon who had gone to sit down on the couch a few metres away after tossing them. Hakyeon smiled mildly towards him.

"Aren't you leaving?", he asked in an innocent tone.

Wonshik smiled.

"You're so bad.", he said and started to dress himself.

Jung Taekwoon stapled the albums carefully on each other in the music store and then glanced briefly at the clock on the wall. His colleague, Kim Wonshik was late again... Taekwoon sighed deeply, he wanted to go home and practice his singing.... Although it seemed that since this morning... His voice had gotten stiffer.


To hell with everything,

It's all his fault.

After Hakyeon heard the outer door slam closed on the floor below, he instantly stood up from the sofa and went up to the bed to tidy it. He had even been bluffing and playing cool about stuff like this... Wasn't this too much?
Maybe he needed help...

The thing he really would need help with though seemed to be his dancing. He would really in trouble if he didn't figure something out in a week.

Something small and black suddenly fell to the floor as Hakyeon moved one of the pillows. He crouched down and took a look at it.

Wonshik's wallet...

Such a bother, but he had no choice.

Didn't he work at the music store near that fancy karaoke place?

Hakyeon decided to go there.


Taekwoon glared silently at the one called Cha Hakyeon in front of him.
It had been a small shock for him to suddenly see his newfound enemy walk through the entrance of the store. Hakyeon had started looking around for an employee instantly since he wanted to locate Wonshik as quick as possible to give him his wallet back.

"Did you hear me?", Hakyeon asked.


"Kim Wonshik? Where?"

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